He who fights for my beautiful heart- Finale

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Hello all my reader fans ^

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Hello all my reader fans ^.^ I'm glad to announce that Leon S. Kennedy won the popular vote from last chapter with 10 votes. Sasuke Uchiha came a close second with 7 votes and the others received no votes so for my next Short Stories series I'm going to be writing about you as the reader having many adventures with our sexy agent over here.

I'm sad to announce that this is the last chapter for this Vegeta x Reader Short Stories book. I ant to again thank all of you for your support and wonderful comments :D <3<3 Don't worry however, I plan on making more Vegeta x Readers after I'm finished with my Short Stories series.

Also a warning is on order for this chapter. So... WARNING, read ahead at your own risk. I get very descriptive and this chapter is plain lemon so don't like please don't read.

You sighed as you felt a strong arm wrap around you and pull you to a warm, well built chest. You hummed contently, running your hands up and down their chest as you kept your eyes closed. You heard a chuckle, a deep rumble as they nuzzled your face and buried their face in your neck.

"You're so cute F/N." They, He, said as he licked your neck. Your eyes popped open and E/C orbs met sleepy onyx.

"V-Vegeta...?" He just gave you his rare smile and nuzzled you more. You blushed furiously as a nervous chuckle left your mouth.

"W-what are you doing... ? I thought... you were training...?" Vegeta lifts his head and looks at you through dazzling onyx eyes. He says nothing at first, only tracing patterns on your hip and thigh before he breathes in.

"I told you I would be back in the morning love. Why didn't you tell me you were suffering through the pain of your heat?" A deeper shade of red made it's way on your cheeks, leave it to Vegeta to be blunt as all hell.

"W-well I... didn't know how to tell you... I didn't want you to feel forced into helping me..." Vegeta looked at you, his eyes holding an emotion that you couldn't put a name on.

"I figured but still... it pains me to know you were suffering for the past month and a half." He says, moving so that he loomed over you. He looked at you with an unreadable expression and before you knew it he leaned down and captured your lips in a gently yet passionate kiss. Your E/C eyes grow wide with shock, your body stiff for a few minutes as you try to process what was happening. Soon your eyes begin to flutter shut as his soft lips press against yours gently. After a few moments of kissing, he pulls away much to your displeasure and looks down at you.

"I want to take away your pain F/N... I want to take care of you and be there for you." Your breath caught in your chest as Vegeta's stone cold mask melted away to reveal how he truly felt about you. His eyes holding genuine care and love as well as a hint of lust.

"Let me love you the way I want to... let me treat you like the queen you are. Let me show you how much you mean to me." A blush found it's way on both yours and his cheeks. You looked up at him, you're eyes sparkling with joy.

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