He who Fights For My Beautiful heart = Part One- Issues

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This was another request from a friend over on Archive for our own. hope you all enjoy. Remember to leave any requests you guys want me to write for you, I'll be happy to oblige all incoming requests.

"Okay Kakarot, that's enough for today. Let's head back, I know you are dieing of hunger." Vegeta says as he picks up his towel and water bottle. Goku smiles and laughs while rubbing his belly, looking at Vegeta.

"Sure am, you know me so well best buddy." Vegeta just ignores the 'Best buddy' thing, he had too much on his mind to even scold Goku about it. He just turns the Gravity room off and opens the door, walking out into the bright daylight with Goku close behind.

They head inside the Capsule Corporation house, making a beeline for the kitchen. Goku sits down at the table while Vegeta grabs the leftovers from yesterday's dinner and places them inside the Microwave. He sets the time for 4 minutes and watches the thing spin around before Goku breaks the silence.

"What's up with you Vegeta?" No answer.

"Look, I know something's bothering you. You haven't been your usual angry self lately and I know this because you would have yelled at me that we weren't buddies..." Vegeta sighed and looked at his comrade. Goku had a genuine concerned look in his eyes that told Vegeta that he was actually really worried about him.

"Me and the Earth woman are having issues and... I don't know how to fix them." Goku stood up and despite him knowing that Vegeta hates being touched most of the time he still took a risk and placed his hand on Vegeta's shoulder, squeezing reassuringly.

"I'm sure things will work out, whether for the worst or better we may never know until you do." Vegeta just nodded, taking out the heated food and placing them on the table for he and Kakarot to eat.

Time Skip

Vegeta was walking through the hallway, a towel lazily resting on his shoulders as he made his way to his room. The door slid open once he stepped close, the sensor automatically scanning him and unlocking his door. He stepped inside and walked to his dresser, pulling out a pair of black boxers only for Bulma to start her nagging.

"Where have you been all day?!"

"Training." He heard her scoff behind him.

"That's all you ever do, train eat all my food and take up space." It was his turn to scoff, it hurt him inside to think that she thought of him like he was a waste of space but he didn't show it.

"And what do you do? Sit on your ass in that lab making useless toys while me and the rest of the fighters actually work on saving this world from enemies. If it weren't for me or the others you wouldn't have food or even a place to lay your fancy head!" Vegeta turned around then, glaring at her with piercing onyx.

"Making toys! Those toys are what you use for training!" Vegeta bared his teeth.

"Those things barely last a second, those toys are weak and fragile like the rest of the Earthlings here. I make more progress doing push ups than using those things in the gravity room!" Bulma glared at him but Vegeta didn't care, he was sick and tired of her nagging, he just wanted to get some sleep.

"How dare you insult my work Vegeta! I can't believe you!"

"Save it Woman, I just want some sleep without you yelling at me for one thing or another!" Bulma didn't even answer back this time, just leaving the room in silence. Vegeta didn't think much on it though, he was exhausted.

Even as he lay in bed, Vegeta's mind just wouldn't shut off. He didn't know why Bulma was so angry with him all the time. He did what he had to do, cleaned up his mess and made sure not to break the gravity room... he was romantic when they were alone only, she was never with him anymore. Vegeta made it clear to her that he wouldn't mind if she came over to bother him if he was training and she wanted attention but she never took his indirect offer to come and see him once in awhile. Vegeta didn't know what he did wrong to make her this way and he didn't know how to fix it either.

Vegeta sighed, all he could do now was rest.

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