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I woke up and got out of the den. Its a small den i share with my brother and mom. My brother, Ghost, was outside playing in the tall grass, while my mom Willow was ouside hunting for food for herself, my dad and us. My dad was somewhere in the woods, he always was, my sisters were off looking for their mates, like always, and my brothers were still asleep, they slept until 1. No one ever knew where my dad went, only mom did, and she never told us. But anyways, i walked out of the den and started to clean up around the den while i was in my human form. I had 4 brothers and 3 sisters, im the runt of the family, always being picked on. The only one that didnt pick on me was Milkyway, he was blind, and his hair was pure white, along with his fur when he shifted into his wolf form. Milkyway was the only one i could count on to talk to when i was down or alone. Milkyway was treated better than me because he wasnt the runt, he could hunt but my father never let him hunt with him and my brothers saying he would slow them down, when actually he knows the woods better than anyone else in the family. Milkyway and i have a hideout thats inside on a small cave. I can walk through it while he has to crawl. He said we would go there after we finished our chores and once my dad and brothers went to hunt. Our chores were to clean the den, make sure theres enough food for tonight and make sure our territories are still ours and that the trees are still marked. While we were walking Milkyway asked me something i couldnt belive "do you think I'll find my mate?" he asked me. I was stunned i wasnt the next in line to be alpha and neither was he. In fact i could never be alpha, i didnt answer that question because if i had said 'yes' i would get his hopes up too high, but if i said 'no' i would shatter what hope he still has, so i didnt answer. We kept walking for a while our territory was huge thanks to all the strong wolves we have in our pack. But as we got to our small hideout we smelled humans. We didn't plan on getting caught by humans today or any day, so we ran home quick. When we got to our cave we were scolded by mum. We always were, 'dont be late' 'dont get hurt' 'dont go far!' 'stop running off!', it always the exact same lines everytime we got back, so we just ignored her while she blabbered on and on about leaving the cave without telling anyone where we went, but why would we tell anyone where we went, it was secret after all. After she finished scolding us we went into the cave, while i was in there i was shoved my Scar, the oldest of us all, i could hear him chuckle as i fell to the ground. "Ow!" I yelped "what was that for Scar?!" I growled out. "Shut up runt!!" He yelled, and that silenced me, i felt a hand wrap around my small arm and i looked up to see Milkyway pulling me away mumbling "lets just go, Ash...". I walked with him to our small corner we shared so i wouldnt get picked on, i sat down and hugs my knees pulling them close to my chest. I closed my eyes for a while and before i knew it, sleep took over, and drifted into a deep slumber. Dreaming of not being the runt, but the alpha, it was amazing, but then, it turned bad, a nightmare, i woke with a yelp screaming "why am i the runt!?!" I took in where i was and i sighed in relief, i was still in the den, i looked at Milkyway to see him still asleep, i sighed inbrelief thankful that i didn't wake him, and i slowly drifted back to sleep.

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