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Its dark and rainy out, making it hard for me to see. All I can make out is a black vehicle and something else... A person? I squint at the figure standing a few feet away from me. He's here.

He chuckles sickly, stepping closer and closer to me. I shrink away from his touch, wanting to break his fingers. But I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. He has at least 2 other guys lurking in the shadows, I bet. I'd be a goner.

"Where's my son, you piece of shit?" I stare him in the eye, giving my best serious face. All I want to do right now is cry.

"That's no way to talk to me, darling. After I took you both on and treated you well. He's practically my son, too." He stands behind me, slowly snaking his arms around my waist. "We could be a family, baby."

I get a surge of confidence and dare to elbow him in the stomach and make a run for it towards the car. "You little shit! Get him!"

Before I can make it to the car, I feel a pair of arms wrestle me to the ground. I can't see who it is but I know it isn't him by the glimpse of red hair peeking out from under his hood.

I try to kick him off of me but his strength is no match for mine. "Get off!"

I manage to get my hand free of his grip, and scratch his face. I wanted to gouge his eyes out but he quickly retaliates with a thundering slap across my face. The wind is knocked out of me as someone's foot collides with my torso. Violently coughing, I still try to yell for help and fight back. He finally comes into view, just standing there.

"Alright, enough. Let him up."

I cower into myself, hoping they'll listen and try not to get one last lick off of me. My body aches and I just know I'm bleeding. I can't even feel my left middle finger.

I feel arms lifting me up to my feet and a sharp, rough tug on my hair, causing me to yelp in pain. "What do you want? I'll give you anything, just let me have my son."

A laugh rumbles from his throat as he shakes his head. He caresses my face, peering through my eyes into my soul. He truly is Satan. "Darling, I only want you."

I push his hand away. "Fuck off. Where's Freddie?" I try to release his hand from my hair but his grip only gets tighter.

He grits his teeth, pulling me closer. "You see, darling, I continue to love you and you just keep stomping on my heart." His hand tightens and I feel tears burning my eyes. "Why do you constantly play with my emotions?"

"You're hurting me," I dig my nails in his tatted a, hoping he'll stop but he doesn't.

"I'm not going to ask you again," he growls.

I feel tears fall down my cheek. "I don't love you anymore. In fact, I loathe you. I despise you. You're the walking scum of the Earth. You belong in hell."

His face contorts from anger to humor. I scream as he grabs my injured finger. A laugh erupts from him as he causes me more pain. "Wrong answer."

He snaps his fingers and the other two men who attacked me goes to the car.

"My son! Please don't hurt him! I'll do anything!" I try to put on my best genuine front for him, hoping he'll have a change of heart.

"Shut up, the kid is fine." He lets of my hair and broken finger, letting me go to the strange men who hold my sleeping son.

I look at his peaceful, innocent face. Untouched, unharmed. And still pure. I sigh relief to myself but it's shortlived when he touches my waist.

His ears are pressed to my ear as he whispers, "April 21st. Until next time, darling."

I'm left standing frigid as he kisses my cheek. I want to cry, die, and throw up all in the same setting. He's coming back and I know he means business.

I have to get away from him.

So it begins! Who's the mystery man???????! Tell me who you think it should be.


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