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"Liam! Liam, wake up please,"

He only turns over swatting me away. I look behind me to make sure no one is in the room with us before shaking him again.

"Liam, get up! I think there's someone in the house," I try to keep my voice as low as possible. With my luck, it could be him.

He sits up immediately, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a frown. "Alright, stay here." He throws the cover from his shirtless body, and swings his legs over the edge of the bed.

"No, I have to go get Freddie," I'm beginning to panic. What kind of father leaves his sleeping kid alone while there's danger? I'm horrible.

His eyes widen as he turns to me. "You left- nevermind, just stay behind me."

I can tell he's frustrated as we creep out of the room which makes me feel only 100 times worse. Something goes crashing downstairs, the sound of glass breaking. Faintly, I can hear someone mumbling, then my phone ringing in the room with Freddie.

We stand at the doorway, Liam looking at me with his finger to his lips, then gestures for me to go in. I'm relieved when I see Freddie still sleeping soundly and grab my vibrating phone from the nightstand.

It has no caller ID so I look to Liam. "No number," I whisper.

He nods anyways, indicating I should answer it. I swallow, my breathing hitching as I hit the green button. "Hello?"

"Darling Louis! How nice to talk to you!"

It feels as if my blood runs cold in my body at the sound of his voice. Shit.

A million things run through my mind, like firstly, the safety of my child. If he wants to play these games, he can. Just don't hurt my baby boy. I finally find the strength to speak, but barely.

"Get out. Get the fuck out and don't ever call me again,"

"Babe, don't talk to me that way. Besides, I'm not there. That's what I have my crew for." He pauses, chuckling. "Anyways, I warned you not to miss my date."

I hold back the stinging tears that threaten to fall. "How did you find me?"

"I have eyes everywhere. Now listen to me, Louis. You can't keep running forever. And the fact that you are with Liam, whom I specifically told you to stay away from—"

I frown, my blood boiling. Who does he think he is? "You don't fucking control me, asshole."

"Louis, don't interrupt me when I'm talking to you," His tone is smooth and authoritative.

Me, being the weak being I am, complies, shutting up. "Fine,"

"As I was saying, you're mine. I'll be visiting you very soon, darling. Kiss Freddie for me."

Rage becomes my blood supply as I throw the phone down, not caring if it shatters. In fact, I want it to shatter. I pick it up and throw it at the wall with all my force, wishing it would break i to a million pieces. I hate him. I really do.


I freeze in place before turning around to face my baby.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" He yawns, rubbing his tired eyes. Poor kid just witnessed me having a spazz attack over someone who isn't even worth it.

I sigh, sitting on the edge of the bed, feeling defeated. "Daddy's just a little mad is all. I didn't mean to wake you, kiddo."

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