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"Darling, where were you today?"

I keep my eyes trained on the small carton of chocolate YooHoo in my fidgety hands as he walks in a circle around me. I can't let him know where I was, he'd be so angry.

I wrack my brain for a lie— any excuse to get him off my back. "Uh, I went to a friend's,"

He laughs almost immediately, a menacing, evil laugh, as he crushes my boxed drink, causing it to spill in my lap. "Oh babe, don't you know? You don't have friends."

He kneels down to my level, lips leaving a trail of kisses along my neck before he grabs my hair, yanking my head back. My eyes become teary as I stare into his, pleading for him to stop.

"Don't lie to me, star. Where were you today?"

"I was at school," I blurt. I know I shouldn't have, but I wanted to go so bad. He never lets me go to school anymore and all I wanted to do was be like any other 17 year old.

He lets go of my hair and makes a noise like he's disgusted. Coming around the table, he sits across from me, lighting a cigarette. The only light is coming from the street lamps outside of the window and the burning cherry of his cigarette. Oh, how I wish I could have one right now.

He stares at me, gaze never breaking, which makes me uncomfortable. It makes me wonder how I got myself into this situation. He used to be so nice, so normal..

"Who's this so called friend?" he suddenly speaks.

I jump slightly at the sound of his clipped tone. I quickly lie on my feet, saying, "Liam."

Even though it's dark, I can tell he's rolled his eyes. "Stop hanging out with him."


"It wasn't a question, Louis. You are not permitted to see or speak to him again. End of discussion," He rids the ashes from his cigarette.

I get up from my chair, holding back tears. I'll never get to see my Liam anymore. Ever. I know he'll make sure of it; fucking prick.

"Where are you going now?" he asks.

"To get some air. Not that you care," I slam the front door with such force, the noise kind of echoes.

Where did I go wrong? I'm only seventeen, I don't deserve this. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself down when I feel a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. I know he's angry at me for backtalking.

"Get off of me!" I push his hand away from me as he tries to drag me into the house.

I use all of my deadweight to try and stop him from moving me but he still drags me in with ease. "Leave me alone!"

"You don't fucking speak to me that way!" His hand collides with my face, a loud cry erupting from the pit of my lungs in disbelief that he just hit me.

I crawl away from him in shock, not wanting him to do it again."I fucking hate you!"


"Louis, are you okay?"

I blink, trying to recognize Liam's face in front of me. Quickly regaining myself, I clear my throat. "Yeah, what's up?"

He gives me the look of uncertainty before speaking. "You've crushed that chocolate milk,"

My brain immediately registers that my hand is wet, sticky, and clenched. I put the leaking carton back into the wall fridge and rush out of the store before wiping my hand off.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath. I can make it through this. It was just a silly flashback. He's not here.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch violently. "I fucking hate you,"

"Louis, what is going on with you?"

I gasp, recognizing Liam again. I didn't mean what I said, it just came out. I sigh, holding my head in his hands. "I'm sorry. I'm just having a bad day,"

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I try not to flinch. "If you didn't wanna go out today, you could have said so."

His voice is soft and reassuring and it kind of makes me feel guilty. I'm totally ruining his day with my problematic tendencies. "I did, it's just that something reminded me of him,"

Liam has the look of understanding as he nods. "You're alright, sunshine. Let's go back to my place, yeah?"

I nod, too scared to speak. I might say something dumb again. Although Liam knows what I went through, I just can't tell him now. He'd worry too much and that would only make me stress. I just have to find a way to remain normal in front of Freddie at least.

Speaking of which, I pull out my phone and dial Niall's number. It rings twice before he answers. "Hello?"

"Hey, how's everything going? Freddie isn't too much trouble, is he?"

There's a bunch of shuffling on the other line before he speaks again. "No, he's great. He's actually down for a nap right now,"

"Oh thats great. Well we're on our way right now, so it shouldn't be long." I smile at the thought of being with Freddie. I need a good cuddle from him.

"Take your time. See you when you get here,"

We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone. Liam glances over at me before looking back to the road. "Freddie's okay?"

"Yeah, Niall said he's on a nap. I can never get him to nap."

Liam laughs, shaking his head. "He's just like you. Remember in primary school, you'd never go for nap time?"

"Oh yeah! I hated it, I just wanted to play still," I chuckle fondly at the memory.

I would run around making noise to rile up the other kids so the teacher didn't make us go to sleep. I'd always try to get Liam to be my partner in crime, but he was always quick to go to sleep.

"He definitely gets that from you," he laughs.

I sigh, shaking my head, a smile on my face. "Yeah, and all I want to do is be like you and sleep,"

Our laughter settles down as we pull into the driveway. We wait a moment before getting out of the car, fond memories still playing over in my head.

Liam sets his hand over mine. I look up, slightly confused. "You're good, Louis. And when you're not, I'm behind you 100%, babe."

I can't help but to smile at his words. Liam has always been supportive of me ever since I could remember and I love that about him.

:') aw lilo

and ooo another flashback!!

also, sorry these are so short and crappy. my days are so hectic that when I finally get a chance to write, im exhausted. but i hope it was semi enjoyable!!!


SAFE [LWT]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon