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I wake up to the sun shining on my face and warm arms wrapped around me which belong to Liam. My right mind says to push him off me and go pee but the rest of me wants to bask in this glorious moment.

After all of the bullshit I went through, having to stay away from Liam because he was so controlling, I deserve this. And so does Liam.

I hear tiny footsteps enter the room which can only be Freddie. He climbs onto the bed with me, silently, and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning, buddy. How did ya sleep?"

"Good. But I wanna lay with you and papa," he curls into me, rustling the covers quite loudly.

"Alright, but quietly, yeah? We don't wanna wake him," I whisper. I pull the blanket slowly over the both of us, making sure he's comfortable.

A chuckle is heard behind me, causing me to widen my eyes. "I'm already awake, sunshine. Been up for an hour now,"

Freddie giggles at my inaccuracy of Liam and I roll my eyes. "Good morning pa— I mean LiLi!"

I feel Liam sit up behind me, pulling me along with him. "Louis,"


"You know I love Freddie right?" he asks. I nod my head slowly. I know he loves Freddie to bits, but why is he asking me if I know?

"Okay, then why do you not let him call me what he wants? There's no harm in it," His brows are furrowed and his lips are pursed, awaiting an answer.

I glance to Freddie who looks at the both of us intently before I send him to go play in his room. I turn my attention back to Liam. "There could be harm in it. I don't want him to get used to you and then you have to go off somewhere for a while. That would crush him. You're already practically moved in,"

"I know. But let him live a little. I'm not going anywhere. Especially not after what happened with—"

He catches himself before his name slips out and I'm incredibly thankful. I shrug my shoulders, seeing his point. Liam has never showed me any inconsistencies to be honest and I'm glad. He's putting a lot of things in his life on hold to come stay with me temporarily.

But then again, I don't know when he plans to stop harassing me. I wish he never bothered with me, never pursued me. I should have never been so dumb to fall into his hands even if he was good looking and charming.

Thinking back on it, I had met him at a party Liam had invited me to. Footballers always threw sick parties but I could never have fun at them. They were never my scene. He was sweet to me and complimented me all the time but I knew there was something different about him and it didn't help that he had a temper.

Sighing, I feel deflated. I was so dumb to let him take me, but I was young so I'm not gonna beat myself up too bad. The only good thing that came from meeting him was my baby Freddie.

"Louis, you're doing alright. You're not a bad parent and I know it's been hard for you but you continue to blow my mind,"

He touches my knee, moving closer to me. "Look, I've been to America and it's pretty nice there. We could go there for a bit to ease your mind, yeah?"

My eyes widen in awe. I've barely been out of the city and I've always dreamed of going to America. Nodding my head, I speak. "Liam, id absolutely love to go, but I don't have the money."

He shrugs. "It's on me. Just get packed and get ready to relax your pretty little head. I'll worry about everything else,"

I smile at him patting my head lovingly. Pushing myself off the bed, I kiss his cheek quickly before running out of the bedroom to tell Freddie the good news.

"Buddy! I have a surprise for you!" I hop on his bed where he is, playing with his action figures that used to be mine.

His eyes meet mine excitedly. "What daddy?"

"LiLi is gonna take us far away to America for a bit.. are you okay with that, lad?" I slow my words, trying to gage a reaction.

"Yes daddy! Sumeria is in my comic books!" He holds one up and I laugh at his mispronouncing.

"No, kiddo. It's Ah- mer- I- ca. Say it with me, yeah?"

"America," he says slowly, then cheers for himself. What a smart lad, always catching on so fast.

"C'mon! I'll race you to pack!" I tickle his sides and he erupts in loud giggles before I run to my own room to pack.

Liam tells me he's going home to check on a few things and he'll be back in the morning to  pick us up. I show him to the door and continue packing and cleaning the apartment for when we go back.

What I get a job there? I could start over and take care of Freddie properly. He could go to school with kids his age in a few years! And I could finally get away from him...


"Wow, that's beautiful," I whisper. On tv, there's a commercial ads for vacations to California, USA. All the beaches, warm weather, and eatery looks divine. I've always wanted to go there. Plus, my sisters lived there and I miss them.

"What? Don't be ridiculous, Louis. That's across the world,"

"I know but we should go. I have some money saved up to visit my sisters," My voice get quieter.

His face is confused and amused as he turns towards me. "Darling, that money is long gone. It's been gone for quite some time, sweetie," His tone is sweet but very condescending like in some idiot.

"What do you mean gone? You spent it? All of it?" Tears sting my eyes; a feeling I hate.

"Mhm," he hums. "Now shut up, Im trying to watch this," he turns up ye television.

I can't help but to feel rage and sadness. That was all the money I found, people gave to me, and that I worked for. How could he just spend it all? I don't even care on what. How did he find where I even put it?

"It took me years to save that! I was gonna go visit my sisters, you selfish prick!" I hit at his chest, something I've never done but I don't regret.

He grabs my arm, shoving me into the couch after slapping me across the face. I try to move away from his abuse but he's too strong. "You're hurting me!"

"I told you to shut up! The money is gone, Louis. Get over it. Your sisters probably don't even wanna see you cause you're a fuckup!"

My breathing is rigid after he lets go of me. I shoot him the dirtiest look I can muster up.

"If I'm such a fuckup, why do you still want me?"


I snap out of my trance, trying to push the memory to the back of my mind. I know my sisters love me and I know they'll be ecstatic to see me.

I go through my closet, feeling like I'm moving forward in my life to take this trip. I'm proving him wrong and proving that I am strong and not a fuckup.

I am not a fuckup.

Fjsjfkfjf good for u lou

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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