Sirius and Lily

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okay yes yes yes but Sirius Black and Lily Evans being bros at Hogwarts

Eleven year old Sirius trying to juggle with oranges he stole at breakfast. He accidentally throws one right at Lily Evans's nose. She takes her new wand, waves it a bit and accidentally gives him horse hooves

This is how they become bros

Thirteen year old Sirius black getting his ass whipped by thirteen year old Lily Evans in wizard chess
Lily and Sirius partnered for charms where they're meant to be summoning cushions and it just ends in them starting a class pillow fight

Fourteen year old Sirius taking really ugly close-up photos of lily while she sleeps and she wakes up like sirIUS I'm GOING TO SHOVE THAT CAMERA DOWN YOUR THROAT YOU PIECE OF SHIT

Sirius and lily taking the piss out of James because of his stupid hair thing and his freaking walk that looks like he's dancing
'it's like he's prancing or something'
'yes lily.. He really is prancing. Rather like a deer I would go as far to say, don't you agree Evans?'

Lily and Sirius sliding down Hogwarts banisters screaming

Twelve year old losers want to prove that they're not scared of the forbidden forest so they both go out there in the middle of the night like: 'first one to come out is a WUSS'

It ends with McGonagall finding both of them in her dressing gown half way up a tree, with lily writing her will on a piece of bark and Sirius waving a large stick screaming 'THIS WAS A MISTAKE' repeatedly

Drunk Lily in sixth year and an even drunker Sirius Black gives her piggyback across the grounds while she stretches her arms wide and screams
'Mr Black, Miss Evans, your homework answers are exactly the same, I suspect one of you copied the other. My money is on Mr Black'

It was Lily but who would believe him
No one
He got detention and Lily laughed about it for two weeks.

Lily taking toast up to Sirius when he doesn't wake up in time for breakfast

Sirius with his head on Lily's stomach watching as Remus gets utterly thrashed by Mary in Gobstones while yelling unhelpful things like: 'YOU SHOULD TRY AND WIN THIS ROUND' and 'PUT HER SHIRT OVER HER HEAD AND STEAL HER STONES YOU'LL FOR SURE WIN'

For her birthday Lily gets a shit-ton of daises because (ironically) they're her favourite flower and she grins because she knows exactly who they're from
Mulciber calls Lily a Mudblood at the end of sixth year and Sirius Black emerges from nowhere and punches him so hard in the mouth he loses four teeth and his gums forever look a little lopsided

Being partnered for potions like:
'this goes in here'
'no it doesn't'

It all ends in them wrestling on the table while Remus laughs, Peter gawks and James feel conflicted about who to cheer for
Sirius getting a letter from his mum and when Lily reads it, then picks it up and throws it into the fire before saying 'you're more than that'


Fourteen year old Sirius-no-one-is-better-at-pranking-than-me-Black laughing his ass off when Lily makes the board disappear, flips a desk, breaks a window by throwing a vase through it and turns a third of the class into rabbits before climbing on James's desk and screaming 'FUCK GOBBLINS' and prompts the only reaction out of Professor Binn's on record.
'Black, late to class again I see. Probably doing your hair, am I right?"
"yes in fact you are Evans. I care about my appearance, clearly you do not"

Lily flips him off and McGonagall is in disbelief because she is head girl and Miss Evans I expected more.

'Alright so there are goose feathers everywhere, which one of you three did this?' *both point simultaneously to James*

Sirius citing Lily as a source on his witches in the 1700's and by source he means she ranted to him for thirty minutes about the treatment of witches by not only muggles but WIZARD MEN and he wrote it all down and turned it in

Fifteen year old Lily really likes coffee but never knows how to get it and Sirius showing her how to tickle the pair and OH MY GOD THIS IS FANTASTIC and she hugs him and he sort of... stands there like so shocked before wrapping his arms around her waist and his mother pretended like she didn't know who he was at Hogsmede yesterday but everything seems a little better now
'Evans look over there' *smears peanut butter down neck and turns around pretending like he didn't*
'Oi Black look over here' *produces scissors and threatens to cut off his eyebrow while simultaneously throwing cornflakes *

They always talk each other up to their crushes like 'yeah Millie Sirius DOES have huge muscles' and 'James I heard that Lily has THREE BOOBS. Evans would you stop kicKING ME PLEASE'

At graduation right after Sirius gets his certificate and he grabs the magical megaphone like 'SUCK IT EVANS I GRADUATED BEFORE YOU' and Lily's all 'Black that's just because 'B' is before 'E'' but he's too busy yelling 'THIS IS A SIGN I BLOODY KNEW I WAS SMARTER THAN YOU AND THE SAME GOES FOR YOU MOONY'

Basically Lily and Sirius being bros at school and having each-others backs is highly important u need to realize this

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