Chapter 6

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Third persons POV
While Danny and Steve sat with their backs against the wall they didn't notice when Kate walked in the room holding a gun...
Steve's POV
"Surprise." I turned around only to be met with a gun in the face. "No wheelchair huh? You got away easy while our daughter is paying the price of you being a cop." Kate said and I could see how much anger she had in her eyes. In the corner of my eye I noticed Danny searching for his gun but then his eyes traveled to the table behind him where his gun was. "Kate, why are you doing this?" I said while I was trying to protect Rose and distract her so Danny could get the gun. "Why do you think? You didn't let me se my child, MY CHILD! So I took the matter in my own hands." She said like it was a matter of fact. "So what are you gonna do huh? You gonna shoot me and Danny? Shoot Rose? Don't you think the they will hear a gunshot yet alone two gunshots? And when our friends wich are also cops arrive here, and trust me they will be here soon they are gonna arrest you." I looked at her as she got visibly nervous. "I-I don't-" "You didn't think that far did you?" She opened her mouth but that's when we all heard a car slam it's breaks out side. "You hear that Kate? That's our friends. They will be in this room soon." I watched how Danny slowly picked his gun up. But Kate must have noticed as well because all of the sudden she turned around with the gun still trained at me. Then a gun went off.
Chin's POV
We arrived outside the hospital five minutes after Danny had called and said that Rose had woken up. We were walking to Rose's room when we heard a gun shot. We both took out our guns and ran the last part to Rose's room. We almost ran in to a women on the way here. It almost looked like Kate, but she had left for the mainland and broken Steve's heart 13 years ago so that's wasn't possible. We walked in to the room with gun first to see Rose sitting up in bed with tears running down her cheeks. She stared at the ground next to her. I followed her gaze to she Danny and Steve on the floor. Steve was pressing his shirt against a growing red spot on Danny's chest. I couldn't move. It felt as all the air had been sucked out of the room. "HELP!" I heard Kono shout and that's when I was pulled back to reality. That was 2 hours ago. I was reliving the memory again to see if I could have done something different. Rose was released after they had taken Danny to surgery. We were all sitting in the waiting room praying that Danny would make it out alive. That's when a question crossed my mind. Who really shot Danny? As if Kono could read my mind she asked Steve.
Kono's POV
"Hey boss?" He looked up with a tear running down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away. "Yeah?" He was trying to act cool. "Who was it that shot Danny?" He looked down and mumbled something. "What? I didn't hear you." He looked up and took a deep breath. "Kate." I didn't have anything more to say. Kate had left Steve with a baby and a broken heart 13 years ago and me and Chin where there to pick up the pieces. I opened my mouth but before I could say anything a doctor came out. "Family of Daniel Williams?" Steve stood up and we followed. "That's us, how is he? Tell me he is alive." Steve had a clean look of desperation on his face. The doctors smiled a little sad. "Why don't we take a seat and I'll explain everything?"

Hey again! I hope that you like this book and I'm sorry that I'm really not going with the original plot but I got this idea and I just went with it. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and that you have an amazing morning, afternoon or night!😋

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