Chapter 3: Love Illusion

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One Week Later...

"Marco! Wake up, we're gonna be late for school!" Marco shot up instantly. "Huh? HOW?!" He yelled confused. "Haha! Its Saturday, I tricked ya!" Star laughed harder than ever. "What was that for?" Marco said laughing. "I don't know, I just like doing that" she said, twirling her golden hair around her finger. A faint shade of red came across her face. Marco looked at her and tried to figure out why she was blushing. "Star, are you okay? You look a little red." Star looked in the mirror and yes, she was a faint shade of red. "Oh its nothing, I bet I'm just really hot from sleeping under the blankets." She tried to act normal, but Marco didn't buy it. "Star, why is your face red?" He asked again. "I said because of the blankets!" Star was kinda upset. "Star...are you blushing? I've never seen you do that in front of Oskar." Star got nervous. What if he figures out I have a crush on him? She couldn't risk it, so she ran up the stairs. Marco called after her. "Star! Come back!" She didn't come back though. She went into her room and locked the door. She called her mom on the mirror. "Why hello dear! What did you do again this time?" Star replied "Um...what would you do if you liked your best friend?" Her mother looked upset, so she added "Not that I do! My friend just wants to know." " Does that Marco kid wants to know? Well, maybe we have the future King of Mewni!" Her mom said laughing. "MOM HE DOESN'T WANT TO KNOW, ITS SOMEONE FROM SCHOOL!!!" Stars face was as red as Marco's hoodie. "Alright, fine. Tell them that they need to know the right moment to tell their best friend how they feel. If they like them back then they should go on a date. But if not, then try not to make things awkward. Got that, Sweetie?" Star nodded. "Bye honey!" And the mirror turned off. Should I do this? She thought to herself. Yes, I will! I will tell him how I feel by Valentine's Day! Star was so happy that she didn't notice Marco at the doorway. "Hey Star, can I talk to you? Its important." Star got nervous. Yes or no? Yes or no? "Sure why not?" She said shakily. Marco came over to her. "Will you go..." Star thought he actually liked her back. He's gonna ask me out, EEEEEEE!!! But she was mistaken. "...get some tortilla chips for nachos?" Star frowned. "Whatever, I'll do as you want" she took his money and went shopping. Meanwhile, Marco was still at home, making the cheese for the nachos. What's wrong with Star? She's usually cheerful and happy, but lately she's been all upset at me. It's been a week since Jackie left. But why do I care so much for Star and not Jackie? Is it because...I have feelings for Star? No! It can't be...but...I just can't figure out my feelings. If I did love Star, it would be too awkward. Who knows? Love is an illusion in the mind. Star had come back from shopping. But when she came back, Marco was blushing at Star. "Marco? Why are you blushing?" Star said confused. He got back on track and said "Huh? I'm not blushing!" Star walked out, suspicious of Marco's behavior. Someday Star, you will tell him how you feel...

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