Chapter 7: Life Decision

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Star was upset.
"Maybe I can stay longer, but maybe not." By this time she was so sad. She rung up her mom. "Star why did you hang up? I was saying that you would
have a choice!" Everyone cheered. Star was relieved. "So what are they?
"Your choice is to either keep your magic and come back...or stay there and become a normal human girl." Star looked confused. "'re saying I have to go back to Mewni or
I won't have any magic whatsoever?"
"Yes Star, I'm sorry but it's what we decided."
"What about queen? Who'll become queen if I don't come?"
"We haven't quite decided that yet."
Star sighed. Should I keep my wand? Or no? She was torn between the two.  "Marco, if I leave will you be upset?" Marco froze. I don't know what to say. "I would be upset, and I would probably cry every night." Star hugged Marco. He noticed a tear come down her cheek. "Mom, I just can't NEITHER!" and just like that she blasted her mirror to shards. "Star?! What are you doing?!" Glossaryck yelled. "You know what trouble that can bring you!" "And that's why I have a plan." Star smirked. Star cut her hair shorter than it should've been. "Star, what are you DOING?!?!" Marco yelled. "I'm not Star is Rebecca."

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