Happy Endings

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It's the part when the boy gets the girl.
It's the part when the hero saves the day.
It's the part when someone gets their friend back.
It's the part when the story ends the right way.

Might be a shaky start,
Can't guarantee a good ending,
But when there's life, there's hope,
So there's no harm in starting.

It's not got a price,
Everybody deserves one.
If you haven't got yours yet, then wait,
Maybe your destiny's only just begun.

Everyone gets one,
Just wait for your turn,
It's not something you buy,
It's something you earn.

Life can be tough,
And also overwhelming,
But try and try until you succeed,
And reach your happy ending.

Life can be tough, but all you've gotta do is keep on trying.
'Where there is life, there is hope.'

~!~ Diana

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