Not Like I Care

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I use to sit next to Miss Popular,
We talked everyday,
We'd laugh and share our secrets,
Untill she turned me away.

In front of me sat the girl,
Who's finally found her lover.
She wouldn't mind, she wouldn't care,
She'd happily trade me for some other.

Now I've moved away from them,
'I won't look at them', to myself I promised,
But I can't help but turn my head,
And see how I've gone unnoticed.

Not even my ghost has lingered,
I'm washed away from their memory.
Now I've finally found out,
What great 'friends' they are to me.

They don't care if I'm there or not,
They laugh and talk just the same.
I've tried being nice to them,
But now my efforts are in vain.

Not a question, or a glance,
Maybe, it's ego,
And what amazing 'friends' they are,
Now I really know.

There are always times when you think they actually like you, but one day, you realize they didn't even know you existed. The only thing to do in these cases is to just learn to deal with it, and this is the time when you know that you need a new friend.

~!~ Diana

A Poem Is Worth A StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora