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This rise and fall of glory,
This large receding tide.
The end of another revolution,
To these facts I will abide.

Climbing ladders a hundred feet tall
Not scared of heights, just of the fall.
They say the best is yet to come,
But at the end of the year, I'll be the one to judge who I've become.

The clock is ticking and ticking still,
Think of one huge mountain as a few small hills.
One huge river is just a few streams,
Your goals are just a plethora of dreams.

Step by step, word by word,
You will be voiced, you will be heard.
It's a new start of an old that's ended,
Last year's loose strings must be mended.

Hi guys! I know I'm a little late but, Happy New Year!!! Hope you guys had a great one! Any new resolutions or still trying to complete the ones from 2015?XD.


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