You Would

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You'd give me a lift,
All the way to school.
In you big fancy car,
We'd drive by the lagoon.

You'd put the roof down,
I'd leave my hair free.
You'd do it for fun,
You'd do it for me.

You'd talk to me,
When I was alone.
You'd send a billion messages,
We'd talk for hours on the phone.

If it was late in the night,
You'd drive me back to my house.
You'd solve any problem,
You'd solve any grouse.

But now you leave me here,
Lying on the floor.
You'd take a step back,
And walk right out the door.

You no longer offer me rides,
In your big fancy car.
Can't reach out to you,
'Cause you're always too far.

Now I tie my hair up,
Never living life simply.
I'm not trying to impress you,
Though I thought you loved me.

Not a single message,
Not a single call.
No one to solve me problems,
No one there at all.

You use to, why not anymore?


A Poem Is Worth A StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora