Chapter 19

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The sun burned down out of a cloudless blue sky,washing every thing in a brilliant golden light. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and stretching my arms above my head.

I then laid my head on my knees, blinking the remaining traces of sleep from my eyes and watched smoke from last night's fire drift lazily from the snow white ashes and into the sky.

I heard Obi-Wan exit the forest, a frown creasing his forehead. When he caught me looking, the frown disappeared.

He smiled weakly and nodded at me, but concern rolled off of him through the Force.

"Is it possible for me to go on ahead without you?" he asked softly, avoiding my direct gaze.

"No!" I responded, scowling. "You don't know what parts we need to repair the ship. And besides," I said, standing up. "You wouldn't leave me alone with a Sith wandering around would you?"

He sighed in defeat and I grinned triumphantly. I started ahead, and heard Obi-Wan muttering something about teenagers and how I was just like my father. I chuckled and heard him laugh behind me, but it sounded forced. My smile slipped. What was bothering him?


Around noon, we stopped for lunch. I sat against a tree, just noticing how badly my legs were trembling. I unwrapped a ration bar from my pocket and took a bite, tasting nothing.

Gazing upwards, I watched the dappled sunlight play peek-a-boo in the broad, dark green leaves.

I closed my eyes and felt all the life forms in the jungle through the Force. Suddenly, a dark energy swept through the Force, casting a dark shadow. Terror sliced through my veins, snapping me back to reality. I screamed and scooted away from the tree, mud coating the bottom of my pants and something slicing into my palm.

Obi-Wan heard my terrified shouts and came running.

"I felt it too," he started, pulling me to my feet."It was the Sith."

I nodded, examining the shallow slice on my palm. Red oozed from the cut, but it didn't look deep enough for stitches.

"I've never expire pure fear like that before," I responded, pouring water from my canteen to wash away any dirt from the cut.

I then looked down at the ground searching for a sharp exposed root or something that had cut me. I saw something white in the mud. I tugged on it, and a white square attached to a leather cord popped free. I peered at it closely, examining the shapes carved into the surface. It was beautiful, in a simple way. I cleaned off a spot of mud and put the necklace on and tucked it under the collar of my shirt.

Obi-Wan had his back to me as I stood up, fingering the leather cord slung around me neck. It felt important, although I had no idea why.

Obi-Wan turned back to face me and said,"Shall we move out?" I nodded and started after him, skirting large, clear puddles. I paused after catching a glimpse of my reflection. Half of my hair had slipped out of it's braid and my face was scratched and covered in dirt. My clothes were muddy and torn, and my cape was slung over my shoulders.

"Are you coming?" Obi-Wan called from ahead. I leaned over and splashed some cool water on my face, attempting to wash some of the dirt from my face.

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