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Mark's POV

I lean my back into the front door and slide down it, curling into a ball on the floor. Finally, he's gone for a few minutes. I don't have to panic about whatever this thing in my head will do to him.

Jack had been persuaded by me to take my money and do my shopping for me. I, maybe, might have said something about being too ill to go out, which is most definitely a lie, but it meant his life wasn't at risk for an hour or so. I can relax. 

A stressful hand disturbs my hair as I take a deep breath in, attempting to get my thoughts straight. Why did Jack sleep in bed with me the other night? As far as I've been told, the... thing... in my head had no say in it and the man has assured me that nothing happened between us. So... why? Does he...?

No. Stop thinking about it. You'll only make it worse. He doesn't love you in that way and never will. How many times has he promised our fanbase that Septiplier isn't real? Too many times to be lying when he says he only likes me in a friends way.

And yet again, I find myself stuck in the deep hole that is my thoughts. A hole I need to stop digging, trapping the mind that keeps my body functioning. And also them. Him? I don't know... it sounds like a man, but I'm not going to assume gender or anything.

Of course I'm a fucking man, you idiot! Are you really that dumb? A sharp pain strikes down my body to the pit of my stomach, causing me to feel nauseous once more. I emit a deep groan and pull myself to my feet, cursing it, him, in my head. You know, I can hear every single thought, dumbfuck. All those sexual fantasies you have about your porcelain Jackaboi. Don't think you can keep them to yourself for one second. And don't think I can't use them to manipulate you, he chuckled in a deep voice, sending shivers down my spine and the sensation of food being pushed out of my body to occur. I cringe as my puke lands with a 'splat' on the wood floorboards and hurry to get a wet cloth.

After cleaning up my mess, I realise he's not spoken for about ten minutes. That's the longest he's gone since he began to talk...  except sleep. But even then, he haunts my dreams and nightmares, he spurs my brain to imagine me and Sean in bed together, doing sinful, unspeakable things... not that I mind. But, at the same time, I do. There's always the chance that one day Jack will be sleeping in bed with me, like last night, and I end up having one of these dreams. What am I supposed to do the- fuck him

A new feeling fills my body and, before I can reply, it appears as though I can't move myself anymore. My shell walks itself to the bathroom and peers into the mirror. An audible gasp escapes my lips, but not...not my body's lips. My hair is black and slicked in the opposite direction, features slightly stronger and, last, but not least, my normally warm, hazel eyes have been replaced with endless black holes, the only break in colour the blood red pupil.

"You should try to work out more, Mark. This body is weak," the entity chuckles. I scream when I come to terms with what's just happened. The voice has taken over MY body!

"What are you doing!?" my voice yells.

"C'mon, Mark. I know you're dumb but even you can work out I'm trying your body out for size," he groans, sounding annoyed at my supposed incompetence.

"Who...Wh-who are you?"

"Hello everybody, my name is..," he starts my intro with a smirk, 


A/N - I hope you liked it ahah. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while - I've been stress with school work and other personal stuff, so that's fun! 

I'm gonna try and write a little more regularly. 

Thanks, Jenny xxx

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