Chapter 2

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I know I can't do it... But I want it

Augustine still processing what happened from the past two days. The black rings under her eyes is the proof she didn't sleep at the two day rest (Sat and Sun).

"What the hell happened to you? You look like you've never gotten any sleep? Are you okay?" Teli said as she put her bag infront of her and shuffled inside it. "Look at this!!!"

Teli pull out a newspaper which was outdated. "LOOK!!" she shove the newspaper at the face of Augustine as she glared at her.

"What the fuck?" Augustine combed her hair slicked back to remove her bangs but didn't work since the bangs returned to its original position. "Why do you need to fucking shove the newspaper in my face?!" Augustine grabbed the newspaper and read it.

"Did you help someone?! You are a highschooler yet you've already put 15 persons in jail including some dirty cops!!"

Augustine raised her eyebrow. "So?"

"Aren't you proud?"

"Why should I be proud?" Augustine clicked her tounge. "Nobody wants me... Even my own family... That thing" She pointed at the newspaper. "Is just a sheer of luck"

Teli puffed her cheeks out. "Don't be like that"

Shut up

Augustine just rolled her eyes and took her earphones along with her cellphone. She put her earbuds on her ears and played her favorite songs

"I know you have anxiety disorder and you are depressed... The squad is always here for you"

I want to be with father... I want to be with him...

"Be yourself always August..."

I want to dissapear


Scribbling down her notes, she bobbed her head up and down, matching the song's beat.

"Hey August!" Ali whispered. "Could you get the books beside you?" she pointed at the stack of books beside her.

"Which one?"

"The one with Red Queen of course!!!"


"I swear the red queen fandom is getting bigger and bigger..." Augustine muttered as she stood up and get the books beside her as she gave it to Ali

"Thank you" Ali said as she grinned.

Augustine looked at her notes again.

Augustine Dsean: Of course that's me... Suicidal, Anxious, Depressed, Insomiac little girl...

Ali Benj: Positive always, Happy going...

Teli Mal: Observer, leader-type...

Nhietth Quil: Just as the same as Ali but book lover and cat lover, racist

Tris Abel Arc: My partner in crime, I guess. Just like Nhietth, a racist

Maine Shayn: Girly Girl... The most girly girl in our squad...

Dev Arixelle: Only boy in the squad...

Austine Prey: The oldest among us...

She flipped the page and looked at her notes about the death.

Her skin was being peeled of as her eyesockets are bleeding since there are no eyeballs on it. Her hands are arranged at the form of 'ready to swim' while her feet are sewn together like a mermaid. Her mouth was open to see that her tounge was cut off and her hair are mixed up with some cheap red haired wig.

"Hey let's go... I want to go home..." Austine yawned and stretched.

"Idiot, your home is just around the corner" Nhietthe said as she put the book she chosed back at the shelf. "Anyways, let's tell nanny that we're going" she looked at the old lady at the  counter.

The old lady smiled at them as they walk to her. Augustine is still at the corner, reading her notes over and over. "August!" Nhietth shouted as August flinched and gathered her things.

"No need to shout" she walked faster than before. She reached them then laughed. "I swear Nhietth, your vocal chords will jump up and down if you don't stop shouting"

"Nice threat August"

"It's not that threatening" Augustine snorted. "What are the assignments again?"

"Uhmm... None" Dev answered as he twist the rubiks cube. "Well, if you're done with the notes, the only assignment is to relax the whole day" He said with a laugh.

"Weird..." Teli said. "Usually our adviser will inform us if she can't teach us but... She's gone"

Augustine chuckled. "Maybe she forgets about it." She stretched as fresh air hit them. "Well... Bye bye!"

All of them went to their separate ways.

Weird... Augustine bit her tounge. She should've inform us... This feeling... This is same as before...

Augustine just shrugged the feeling and went to her house.

"I'm home..." She shouted as she went to her bedroom. Her bag fell as her eyes widened, she immediately cowered in fear as tears fell to her eyes. "GO AWAY!! THEY'RE NOT DEAD THEY'RE NOT DEAD!!"

Covering her ears as she sob. She immediately drag herself on the corner as she started pulling her hairs, scratching her skin on her face.

"Fuck!!" She muttered as her head shot up and traveled her eyes on her bag.

I just realize... I didn't take my pills yesterday nor earlier... I've suffered again this syndrome... I need to calm down...

She began to reach her bag but a shadow was also reaching her. "STAY AWAY!!" She grabbed her bag and pull to her chest, shuffling inside, she took her pills and drank two of them.

The bodies... The bodies are gone... They're gone...
But why... Why it showed our adviser's body? More importantly... Why did it shows my classmates' body? I'm getting crazy... Fuck

She immediately fell down and slept at the floor

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