Chapter 3

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I tried, I lied... I died

Walking to the castle, she meets the cold air coming from the castle. She flips her hair and went inside.

"Hello?" She called out, coughing the word. "Same place same dream..."

A girl around her age showed up and chuckled. Her left eye showing the time of the world.

"Tick tock tick tock" the girl giggled. "Hickey dickey dock"

August tilt her head in confusion. "Same girl same place" she immediately ran infront of her.

"Tick tock it will begin" the girl started. "Tick tock the loop I mean"

Augustine shaked her head. "Everytime I meet you here, you always say different lines... The first one is about my mental illness... Now... What loop are you talking about"

The girl chuckled. "Tick tock blood will drip" She immediately held her head. "Tick tock feed"

Augustine released a shout causing the castle to break into pieces...

Augustine opened her eyes as she look at her phone who's vibrating. She immediately went to shower and change into some school clothes. She took her phone to pick up

"Yes?" she answered.

"FUCK AUGUST WE NEED YOU HERE!!" Nhietth shouted to the other line.



August immediately ended the call and sprinted to school.

She immediately kick the door open and went inside.

"What?" She said as her bag fell to the floor. "What is it?"

Every student inside the room fell their eyes on her.

"Mam. Scray..." Nhietth muttered.

"Is gone" Ali said as every student gave way to her.

Augustine's eyes widened as she went to the corpse, examining every inch.

Her hair was mixed to some cheap yellow wig. Her hands are bleached then burned, sewn to a rag as her torso had been wide open to show some dead rats inside while her feet had glass shards. Her position arrange into a 'cleaning the floor' form as her eyes was sewn closed.

She took her medic gloves and opened her teacher's mouth. It has glass shards replaced the teeth.

"Ughh... Gross" August muttered as she scrunched her nose. She immediately took her gloves off and stood up as she bit her lower lip.

"A, C..."

"Ariel and Cinderella right?" Tris said as she pat her shoulder. "Do you think that the killer is spelling its name?" Tris asked.

"Maybe... Or maybe not..." August muttered. "Look both of them has similarities... Wigs, sewn in other body parts and..."

"Fairytales" Tris said.

Augustine nodded as she stood up and look at everyone. "Does anyone called the police?!"

"I-i did!" A new voice said as it reveal itself.

Augustine made a face while Tris slapped her head. "She's Alice, the new student."

"New student? Bruh, this classroom already has 56 students... Why did the principal wanted to have more?"

"A-actually, I forced the principal to enroll me here"

"And the reason?"

Alice inhales the air then bows. "I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!"

Augustine's face paled as she facepalmed. "Geezz we have a dead body, a new student whose at the same time my fan... HAS ANYBODY CALL THE MOTHERFUCKING POLICE YET?!" Augustine marched at Alice and grabbed her phone


"Shut up and I'm talking to the police" Augustine glared at her.

"Hello, this is the police, how can I help you?"

"What the actual fuck Mr. Felsh" Augustine said.

"Ahh!! Long time no see kid!"

Augustine glared the phone. "We need some of your people here at the same time forensics..."

"Hold your tounge kid" Mr. Felsh said at the other line. "The other kid just called... All she said some help and a dead body."

"Anything else?" Augustine look at Alice.

"Wait... Describe the body"

Augustine's foot tapped repeatedly. "Fine... After this you better send twice more people--"

"The body"

"Fine! Her hair was mixed to some cheap yellow wig. Her hands are bleached then burned, sewn to a rag as her torso had been wide open to show some dead rats inside while her feet had glass shards. Her position is arrange into a 'cleaning the floor' form as her eyes was sewn closed. Happy? Now we need some--"

"Thank you... I already send some of my people there already" she could swear that Mr. Felsh is smirking. "Goodluck with that... Little detective"

Augustine end the call and gave it to Alice.

"Evacuate the place... Take your things and you" Augustine pointed at Tris. "Come with me and let's tell mam. Charice about this." as they walk through the corridor

Mam. Charice can help us about this... She can help us determine--

"Mam. Charice can't help us..." Tris said as she lean at the wall before the stairs.

"What? Wait we can--"

"Mam. Charice can't determine the bleach the killer used... We already asked her after the death of Mam. Ari"

"Fuck..." Augustine furstrated combed her hair. "Then who will help us?!" She shouted.

Tris sighed. "Let's wait for the others to come..."

"We can't depend always at the police..." Augustine said as bumped her head on the wall. "I also can't depend on my mother... But... WAIT!" She immediately ran towards the principal office and Tris followed her.

"You idiot!" Tris immediately grab her. "The principal's--"

Augustine immediately opened the door as it reveal the principal.

"Another incident?" the principal smiled

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