Chapter 5

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Blood will be spilled each day, each week, each month and no one even cares about it

"What the actual fuck?" She muttered as she keeps on changing cameras. She grabbed her phone and call her friend. "Come on Tris pick up"

It was sunday night, Day 9 of their plan. Day 1-8 are still normal, guards are wandering with their flashlights just like the normal guards would. But now, everything is different.

"Hello?" Tris answered.

"Oh thank god Tris! The cameras are black--"

"Juuuusssttt kidding!!" Tris laughed. "I'm not home! Leave a message"

Augustine groaned. "Goddamit Tris!" She keep on pressing the arrows and clicking every cameras as it changing. "The cameras are black! There's nothing to see! Dev said that the night where he watched it, nothing happens! Just the normal thing like the others! Fuck! Where the fuck are you?!" She immediately ended the call and throw it to her bed.

"The killer's playing with us... He/she knows about the cameras." She keep on changing the cameras hoping that it will change. She rewind, fast forward, slowed down every video of every night.

"So... Day 1-8 are normal... Then until now... Fucking hell!" Augustine rummaged to her untouched bag and grab her journal.

"A, C..." Augustine muttered. "Goddammit!! This are just the clues that I found nothing else!" She throw her journal to her wall as a paper fell down coming from her journal. "What the fuck?" she groaned and examined the paper. Her eyes widened as the letters shown to her.

Her eyes widened then groaned. "Yeah that could be her but..." she bit her lower lip. "I don't have any evidence about it"

She grab her cellphone and flopped down to her bed.

"Nhietth's text?" Augustine muttered.

Nhietth Quil:Hey August... Just so you know, I visited the school yesterday.

What the fuck did you think you're doing?!

I saw Alice going out of the building, she's scared, as if she saw something. I didn't check the school much since I need to go after to my big sister. So I checked the cameras we installed and it's still okay... Here's the picture.

Nhietth send their cameras but the installments are removed and the lens are okay. Augustine narrowed her eyes as she zoomed the camera.

She facepalmed and headbutted her pillow.

"Sis, you still awake?" her sister asked. A muffle answered her sis as she tilted her head cutely. "Big sis... There's a cockroach in my room..."

Augustine groaned in furstration as she stood up and look at her sister. "Fine... Zeri... What time is it?" The 7 year old look at the clock on the wall. "It's 9 pm"

"You should be sleeping" Augustine ordered.

"But there was a cockroach--"

"Okay! Okay!"


"Look at this!" Augustine shoved her phone into Tris's face. "They're gone!! They're fucking gone!! Do you even know how many guards I put to sleep just to fucking install that?!"

"Okay look" Tris facepalmed then laughed. "I have--"

"No!!" Augustine stomped to the lobby. "The cameras are not broken! But the installments are fucking gone! Those are rare! I'm the one who chose it since the videos are HDR even we zoom in into 500%" Augustine tantrums as her things started to fall off. "FUCK!!"

All the students in the corrider looked at her then look back at what they're doing. Augustine pouted as she grab her things and run beside Nhietth.

"You looked stress than before." Nhietth started.

"The killer's playing with us... Like what the fuck? Look the installments that only I knew where it is but--"

"Chill, let's talk about that later" Nhietth calmed her down. "Oh! Did you do our elective assignment?"

"Of course, I always do!" Augustine brag. "I'm not lazy anymore"

"Let me copy your assignment please!" Nhietth pleaded as both of them enter the room.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!" One her classmates gave out a high pitched voice that would almost shatter every glass.

Nhietth and Augustine looked at each other. "Wait here..." Augustine ordered. Every students ran and started to bump her.

This feeling... One of the boys accidentally pushed her as she hit something sharp on the wall. She immediately saw a scar on her shoulder.

Well, aside from my wrist... Augustine shrugged and went inside.

Her eyes widened and her face became pale as she shivered.

You saw my letter... Just so you know, the cameras won't help you. Well let me introduce myself... I am called Ace, your killer

Tears sprung out to her eyes as she kneeled down to the floor and bit her lip.

I should've told them about the letter!! She punched the floor. "Fucking hell!!"

Their elective teacher, Mr. Quirl, had his eyes opened, the right one had a terrified, pain look while the other one had taken out. His feet are chopped off and his arms are cuffed while on his chest was stabbed by a 'golden knife' and the body was wet after it was formed in this scenario. Then a paper is nailed to his forehead and in big letters it read


"ACE..." Augustin muttered.

I know you saw me kill your father... Let me do it again... On your teachers

She immediately covered her ears.

I should've told them... I should've

Augustine raised her hand as a shadow appeared infront of her, grabbing her in process. She immediately drag herself while hyperventilating and scared but her head hit on something hard so she knocked out.

The last thing she saw was her classmates' feet running towards her.

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