Chapter 6

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The luckiest day I have is being friends with someone who's going to accept you, who you really are

"Ouch" Augustine winced as she sat up.

"You better rest your ass off!" Nhietth shouted. "Geezz... Here drink this. I found this pills on your bag and I assume one of this is your perosulphate..." She handed her pills and Augustine nodded.

"What happened to the body?" She drank one of it then look at Nhietth.

"Well, the police is handling it." Nhietth looked away. "'Ace' must be playing with us but I..." She looked at the floor. "I think it was Alice..."

Augustine smirked. "I guess both of our guess is the same."

"She's not the killer." Tris immediately said. "The killer has the samebody build as you, August... And Alice has a smaller bodybuild, she can't be the one" Tris explained as she bit her lower lip.

"But it's just a guess... We can't assume that it was her" Augustine smiled. "I guess we need to ask her what happened to the day where Nhietth checked the cameras"


"I'm home" August muttered and went above.

"August, I'll be going. Guard the house will ya?"

August stopped mid-way and look at her mother as she smiled.

"Yeah... Be careful ma..." then she went upstair. She plopped down to her bed looked at her cellphone.

"12:00" She muttered. Augustine sighed and looked at her right shoulder, where the scar is. "Damn that boy... I better punch him in the face." She twist her arm as it shows the scars on her wrist. "I should've died... But why can't I? Ma's still meeting the guy we don't like. Why?" Tears sprung out to her eyes. "These deaths are somehow connected to the events today...

So why?

Why this era?

Why... US?"

She sighed and grabbed her shorts and overlarge long sleeves then went to the cr.

She closed the door as she sat on it. She sighed then started undressing until she was on her undergarments then she immediately changed into her chosen clothes. She went outside then to the kitchen.

"Jhonny, Zeri, what do you want to eat?" She shouted as her siblings ran to her.

"Waffles!" Johnny said as he jumped up and down.

"Me too! Me too!" Zeri said as they went to their seat. Augustine grinned then coughed, turning her voice into some male french chef.

"10 WAFFLES EACH COMING UP!" she said then immediately went to her recipe.


Minutes passed and they're eating their waffles.

"Big sis! This is so yummy!!" Zeri grinned with a maple syrup dropping on her mouth.

"Bwaahhahahaha" Jhonny laughed. "You look like a bulldog with some food on your face"

"I'm not a bulldog!" Zeri glared at him.

"Yeah right! You're ugly bulldog" Jhonny teased.



Augustine raised her hand with a knife on it, stabbing at the wooden table. "If you guys are finished, please clean yourself and go to your room."  Augustine smiled.

Jhonny and Zeri stuck out their tounge at each other and obey her orders.

Once they're gone, Augustine sighed and grab her phone as she call her mom.

"Ma? We ran out of waffle mix... Could you buy me some?"

"Sure thing August" Her mother sighed. "I'll be back later midnight"

"Ma, you better not..."

"Quit scolding me like I'm your kid!"

"Wait, I'm not scolding you like a kid." Augustine groaned. "You need to be careful of that man... He's dangerous"

"I don't trust you" then her mother hang up. Augustine grab the plates then put it at the sink and she put her cellphone to her pocket as she wash the dishes.

"Then don't trust me goddamit... Don't go crying  on me again when something's lost" Augustine angrily muttered.


She flipped her hair back as she visited again the cameras. She wore breath under her mask and glared at every corner of the school. She climbed at the railing and take the camera placed there. She immediately opened it and watched the latest video, including the one week they've guard.

She immediately throw the camera to her bag. She ran to the other camera and did the same routine she did earlier.

"Ah, shit" she looked at her watch. "I need to go home" she put her hair into a bun and immediately sprinted to home.


"Oi the bitch is here!" a drunk voice shouted.

Augustine glared at him as her mother immediately lean at the door frame. "Where did you go?" she seriously asked.

"That doesn't matter" Augustine answered as she glared at her own mother.

"Don't give me that look August. Answer me. Where did you go?" She asked again.

"Why would I tell you? You don't care--" a punch was receive on her stomach and kneeled down. "At school" She muttered.

"And what are you doing there?"

"I need to do something like you never--" The drunk man immediately kick her to the side. "I need to take something"

She groaned. "I can't tell you what I did, a secret's a secret" She said as she receive another kick and punch from the man. "But of course, I won't tell you because you didn't care about me right?"

Her mother sneered. "Babe, I need you to drag her into her own room and lock her for a week"

"Wait!! You don't understand!" Augustine shouted as she struggle at the man's strength. "Both of you don't understand about it!!" the man immediately drag her to her room, not caring about the bruises.

"WAIT!" Augustine plead as she was thrown to her room and locked her. "Please... My friends are in danger"

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