Chapter 12

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Embrace the demons inside you... They'll be your knight in shining armor or sometimes the chain that'll drag you down to hell

A month has passed and Augustine is busy for the exams. She repeatedly tapped her foot against the floor as she twirl her pen on her hand.

Myron has put to jail because of being abusive... Now the killer has nothing to do with him. Even he was suprised that Leil is dead along with Jhonny and Zeri...

She looked at the ceiling

All alone...

Her cellphone rang and took it. "Hello?"

"Kid, its Felsh here" A low voice said. "Are you still working at the abandoned case?"

"Nah... I'm busy Mr. Felsh... It's a school work..." Augustine answered and sighed. "I'm okay Mr. Felsh, the wounds are healing and I am better than before"

"Uh-uh... But there's another... Well, incident" Mr. Felsh said.

Augustine's eyes widened as she straight up and putting the volume up to hear it. Taking her journal and getting her random pen as she began to glare at the cellphone.

"Why are you not talking Mr. Felsh?"

"Well there's some shuffling and I guess you're all ears now no?" Mr. Felsh chuckled. Augustine glared more at the phone and sighed. "Ok ok... Here's the thing, Myron Velez is dead"

Her eyes widened as she bit her lower lip. "What? Are you sure? Please tell me this is a joke" She pleaded.

"You want to be sure? Come here 5 minutes sharp" Mr. Felsh ordered as he hang up.

"Fuck..." Augustine muttered then blinked. "FUCK!!" She began trashing everywhere. She shouted and grabbed her phone. She also grab her jacket and her earphones, as she began to run at the police station which is 15 blocks away from her home


She immediately went to the scene, huffing and clutching her chest. "Where... Where is the body?!" she shouted, using the energy she left.

"Kid! Calm down!" Mr. Felsh began calming her as he rubbed her back and put her to the nearest white monobloc. "Geez you ran? You're an idiot!"

"Said the one who ordered me to be here 5 minutes" she said closing her eyes, relaxing a bit. "Where's the body?"

"At the cell kid"

She opened her eyes and stood up as she went to the cell looking at the body. Mr. Felsh went to talk to his juniors.

"A letter?" she said as she observed at her surroundings then immediately took it. She look at the body again and began to observe it.

Its body was cleanly placed on the bed and looked slimy. His torso was cut open with dead frogs and toad on it while his face was covered with a lily pad. His neck was bloated with air as if it was ready to explode an minute and his feet have 'fins' on which the skin was cut off and sewn to the other toe to look like fins of a frog.

She bit her lower lip and put the letter to her pocket. She sighed and turn around as she saw Mr. Felsh standing infront of her.

"Did you found something?" he asked. She smiled and shaked her head. "Oh..." Mr. Felsh smiled.

"My guess that the killer is the same just like before..." Augustine looked at him. "The way it kill him is also a like a fairytail... Princess and the frog..."

"You sure kid?" Mr. Felsh arrange his vest then coughed. "Well we'll take it from here, you need to rest... Take care" Mr. Felsh warmly smiled.

Augustine sighed. "Fine I'll go... Take care too Mr. Felsh" turning around and bumping into some chest. "Hey! Look at where you're go--Liam?"

"August?" Liam asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I should ask the same to you" Alan crossed her arms above her chest.

"Erm... Well..." Liam looked away. "I came for my father..."

Augustine tilted her head. "Who?"

"Yo Liam!" Mr. Felsh greeted with a grin.

"You're with August huh, father?" Liam asked. "I was going to fetch you but I guess your busy" Liam smiled.

"Son..." Mr. Felsh frowned. "You're jealous"

Augustine tilted her head once again.

"Wh-what?!" Liam blushed. "I-i'm not jealous!" Liam took a step back. "Mother wanted me here to fetch you because of something important... SO BYE!" he sprinted towards the door leaving Augustine confused and Mr. Felsh, laughing his head off...

"What was that all about?" Augustine asked.

"Oh just some teenage romance... Come on August I'll drive you home after this" Mr. Felsh winked and smirked.

Augustine narrowed her eyes then smiled. "No I'll be okay Mr. Felsh"

"Huh? You sure? Well, what can I even say to a highschool detective?" Mr. Felsh smiled.

"Yeah." Augustine nervously laughed. "Well, see you tomorrow!"

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