Chapter 8

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All you see is my happiness
But you don't see how much pain I endure it

Augustine noticed her classmates looking at her.

"What?" she asked as she glared at them

"What the actual fuck happened to you?" Mae, their student council president of the class, asks as she grabbed the Elytra's first aid kit. "Nhietth, aid her. I need to go to the meeting..."

Nhietth sighed and took out what she needed as she aided her. "I can do that to myself ya know?"

"I know" Nhietth smiled. "I think this is the only way I can help you"

"That's sweet Nhietth" Augustine laughed. "But I don't need your pity"

"We don't pity you August..." Nhietth puts the cotton with alcohol on her scars. "We want to help you, it was our promise..."

Augustine grinned.


Augustine excused herself in class to go to the clinic with Alice.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Alice asked.

Do I look really okay? Idiot

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need to rest that's all" Augustine answered as she smiled.

Alice chuckled. "As expected from the highschool detective!" Alice clapped. "What happened to the case?"

Why is she asking about the case? Does she think we suspect her?

"W-well..." Augustine scrached her cheek. "The killer left us some messages about who he or she is. Apparently, the killer was called 'Ace'. Just like a card, Ace of spade is traditionally known as highest card of the cards. In some folklore it was called as a death card." she explained as they look at the door. "We're already at the clinic?"

"I think?" Alice nervously smiled. "Guess you need to rest, I'll go okay?" Alice winked at her and ran away.

That girl was odd... Could it she's?

Augustine went inside and greet the blonde nurse.

"Aren't you the kid who fainted after you saw the dead body?"

Augustine mentally facepalmed as she ticked but smiled. "Hehehe... That's me... Could I stay here? I'm not feeling well."

The nurse nodded. "I just remembered!" She immediately looked at one of the beds. "There's a kid there, same year as you, you wouldn't mind to open the curtain between you right?"

Augustine nodded as she pull the curtain and went to bed. She was about to close her eyes when she felt someone looking at her.

"What?" She annoyingly asked as she opened her blue eyes to met the gold eyes the boy held.

"It's rare to meet you in this place." The boy answered.

"Whatever... Shut up and let me sleep." Augustine groaned.

"You just went here to sleep? What the actual fuck August?"

"Fuck you Liam" Augustine glared at him. "My head hurts so I need sleep".

Liam grinned. "Heh,look at me you're so cute"

Augustine's face become beet red as she shuffled and her back facing him. "Sh-shut up you little shit!"


Augustine woke up, sweatbeads keep on falling.

"Hey, you okay?" Liam asked as he sat up. "You want water? I'm a little bit okay so I can make run for it"

Augustine laughed. "Nah, It's okay. I think I'll head to my classroom, I'm feeling better now."

Liam nodded as he took another ice bag and put it to his forehead. "Damn fever." he muttered. Augustine sighed and took out a pill and gave it to him.

"I have that one suprisingly in my bag and took it in case that this headache is just a fever. Guess you need it more than I do" poking out her tounge to him, she walked away

"You and your kind heart" Liam shaked his head


"Yo!" Augustine greeted as she went to her seat. "What happened?"

"Nothing much" Tris answered as she put her notebook at her bag. "Come on let's buy our lunch"

"Eh?" Augustine asked. "Is it lunch time already? Men... You know how much energy to walk here?"

"Then there's no food for you" Tris smiled.



Munching on the bread she bought, she looked around and spotted a familiar face. She smiled and waved.

"Huh?" Nhietth spoke behind her. "Are you waving at Liam? Since when did you get close to him?" Nhietth smiled mischievously. "Don't tell me you have a crush on him..."

Augustine's face became beet red as she glared at them. "Am not!"

"Oh yeah yeah" Ali lazily wave. "Your face shouldn't be beet red by now if you don't have a crush on him"

"Fuck you Ali" Augustine pouted.

"And now you're pouting" Tris grinned.

"Will you just freaking shut up?!" Augustine pouted again.

Dev laughed. "Your love story isn't going anywhere if you started to act like that"

"Fuck you Dev"

"Fuck you too August"


August grunted on pain as she grabbed her bag. "Want to go to somewhere else?" Teli asked.

"I think I want to go somewhere alone guys..." Augustine smiled. "I want to think of something"

"Or someone?" Nhietth playfully asked at her as she nudge her shoulder. "Ayiiieee Liam x Augustine! We ship it!" Nhietth formed a heart shape on her hand.

Augustine immediately flicked her forehead then laughed. "Me and Liam? Eww" she poked out her tounge and grinned. "I need to clear my mind..."

"Okay August, take care!" Maine waved at her as grinned.

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