Daku Atsu

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Has a foggy lens because one eye is charcoal gray. He doesn't want anyone to know.

He has ADHD. In his case, he sometimes doesn't pay attention in class. He has very good grades despite this.
Update: He's classified as "inattentive."

He has an older sister. She graduated the year before the events of Yandere Simulator.

Her name is Matsuke Atsu.
(Picture unavailable as of 5/17/2017)

She is pursuing a doctorate in physics. Matsuke Atsu is currently a freshman in college. She stands at about 5'7". She's a slim girl and has a 2nd degree black belt in Jujitsu. Her bust is 1.0.

Daku has no self-defense training whatsoever. To avoid the delinquents, he joined the Occult Club.

Prefers Chinese food like kung pao. However, he cannot speak Chinese. He's also unaware that Kokuma Jutsu has a crush on him.
Update: Kokuma Jutsu once had a crush on him because of his glasses. She has since lost interest in him for unrelated reasons.

Kokuma: He's a loser.

Supana: Arr, I couldn't agree more.

In Italy, his name is Battista Alberti.
Obtained from:

He does not know Zaytsev or Kolosov.

Remember, Comrades,
If you're not confused, you are not paying attention. If you're feeling tense, sit on the couch and watch Impractical Jokers.

My favorite Murr punishment is the one where he had to pose as the Statue of Liberty. See "The Ferret of Liberty:, Season 6 episode 2.

Sal: All right, so you might notice Murray's not here. That's 'cause the other day, we were watching Taken.
Q: Yes. As we do.
Sal: And we decided that it would be fun if for Murr's next punishment, he got taken.

Joe: He's being booed by tourists from Germany.
German tourists: *booing Murr*
Murr: It's 30 degrees. I have shrinkage!

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