Shima Shita

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She has a crush on Juku Ren, but is unaware that he has a crush on her.
Seriously, just get married already.

She fights back if attacked, but is very weak. An attacker could catch her off-balance and swiftly kill her.

She doesn't trust Budo's leadership capabilities. As a result, she goes to Oka -more about her later- for better hand-to-hand training. She's on good terms with the Russians. Shima is on very good terms with Corleone because of his humane methods of combat.

Shima is part Scottish. She often speaks British English and does so with a Scottish accent. Does Sean Connery ring a bell?

Vasily: At least you're not a German.

Shima: What do you have against Germans?

Yuri: The Great Patriotic War.

Shima: World War II, Eastern Front?

Yuri: Pretty much. During the War, 5.7 million Germans and 14.4 million Russians lost their lives. The Siege of Leningrad alone killed one million civilians and was later prosecuted as a war crime during the Nuremberg Trials.

Vasily: The Battle of Kursk alone killed one million Soviet soldiers. Many living Veterans of the Patriotic War still hate the Germans for what they did to the Motherland.

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