The End? 2

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Guys, I've done a lot of soul searching recently. Due to a lack of ideas, I have to end the book. But before I do, I'm going to send these guys off with a blast.

WARNING: This chapter contains dismemberment, character death, blood loss and symptoms of PTSD.

Translated by Gleb Malenkov

In this story, Russia became a NATO member in November 2017 after going through the membership process. U.S. President James Mattis welcomed Russia into the military alliance with open arms.
For six months, Russian tanks have been a power card for NATO's armor corps.

[April 3rd 2018]

Ayano: We've all had fun together, but all good things must eventually come to an end.

Yuri loads his rifle. He's just finished cleaning it.

Vasily: Why did the bastard have to do this to us?

Ayano: Who are you talking about?

Midori: I think he's talking about the writer.

Osoro flips the writer off.

Osoro: You son of a bitch!

A sharp crack pierces the air.

Seconds later, an explosion shreds the Occult Club, killing almost everyone inside.

Info-chan sees an arm move weakly.

Info-chan: There's a survivor!

Yuri helps the survivor. Her name is Oka Ruto.

Yuri: [in Russian] Ona ne mozhet dyshat'! (She cannot breathe!)

Szht. Gerasimov: Chyort! (Damn!)

Yuri: [in English] You'll be okay, my friend!

Yuri speaks to other Russian soldiers.

Yuri: [in Russian] Yest' odin vyzhivshiy! (There is one survivor!)

Private Maxim Gorshkin responds in his native Russian.

Ryad. Maxim Gorshkin: Muzhchina ili zhenshchina? (Man or woman?)

Yuri: Zhenshchina. Vytashchite yeye ottuda. Bystro, davay! My dolzhny otvezti yeye v polevoy gospital'!(Woman. Get her out of there. Quickly, come on! We must get her to a field hospital!)

After two Russian soldiers help Oka, Gorshkin notes the condition of her femoral artery.

Ryad. Maxim Gorshkin: Chyort! Yeye bedrennaya arteriya byla razovrana! (Damn! Her femoral artery was torn!)

Yuri: This is not good.

Oka is not speaking clearly because she is trying to hold back tears of agony.

Oka: ... dead. All dead.

Yuri: [in English] Try not to speak. You'll only bleed faster.

Oka: Okay.

Yuri places her on the table.

Ryad. Pelov: Stay with us. You will make it.

Even though Russian field medics work desperately to keep her alive, Oka has lost too much blood.

Russian medic: Shit!

The Russian medic looks at her watch. Two soldiers try to comfort her. The pulse monitor flatlines.

Russian sergeant: Blyad'! (Fuck!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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