Not Hetalia but...

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As Robbie's breathing came to a calm, he cupped his hero lovers face with ease. Their eyes met with lust and longing. His, Robbie's, partner smiled and his breathing went from ragged to a calm breeze to Robbie. The villain leaned close to his lover's lips and said softly,

"We are number one,"

Sportacus blushed softly, connecting his lips to Robbie's. He pulled away for a mere second to ask him one thing,

"Will this be a little lesson in tricky, will this go down in history?"

"If you want to be a villain number one, my love," Mr. Rotten sighed dreamily.

"Then you have to chase the superhero on the run, my dearest Robbie," Sporta-flop chuckled lightly.

"Just follow my moves, and sneak around. Be careful not to make a sound! Shhh~" Robbie winked and grabbed his lovers thighs.

"D-Don't touch that!" Sportacus blushed heavily as the villain gripped his thighs once again.

"We are number one~!"

"Hey!" Sportacus yelped as his thighs were squeezed lightly.

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