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yO! I kept my word and I'm updating. Yay! Like finally! Y'all must be thinking 'Will she ever stop rambling and get on with it?'

And considering the fact that I've not updated in a whole year, y'all have a valid point.

So without further adieu, after my year long hiatus, here we begin! (How I wish 1D could come back like I did)


Harry was quite surprised to hear the sound of Hermione's laugh. She had not been smiling too much for almost a year now. They never really had time to sit down with a cup of tea and have a jolly time. The weight of the whole Wizarding World was thrust upon their shoulders...
But hearing her bickering with Ron made him smile.

"Harry dear, why are you standing here all by yourself?"

"Good morning Mrs Granger:) I was just about to join everyone".

Mrs Granger smiled at him. "It feels so good to see everyone happy... doesn't it?"

Harry smiled. "It does".

"But are you happy dear? I don't see you being as happy as Ron or Hermione are"

"Oh no Mrs Granger. I'm fine really. I'm just missing everyone back home. Especially Ginny. I haven't really replied to her letters. She'd be worried".

"Hmm... I guess you'll get to meet her today then:)"

Harry nodded. And even though that was one of the reasons why he was sad, it wasn't the main. He decided to join Ron and Hermione before Mrs Granger could realise that it was the real reason.


'It's been so many days since I talked to him. I miss him. Just when we got back together, he had to leave. This is so unfair. And he hasn't replied to my mail. He's probably busy but it doesn't take a millennia to tell your girlfriend that you're safe!
But on the brighter side, Ron sent me an owl today. Informing me that they're all coming back. Although I was upset that it wasn't from Harry, I know he's safe. And probably moping about something. He's such a dork. But I love this dork.


Ginny stared out of the window after shutting her diary. She couldn't wait for Harry to come back. She kept trying to create a scenario as to how she'll react when she sees him again. But each time she tried, someone would disturb her. And this time it was her mum.

"Ginny dear! Would you please come down and help me with the cleaning? We need to get this cleared out before they come. I don't want my surprise party plan getting ruined".

Ugh!!! Now it's because of the party! Why am I not being left to myself?!

Ginny trudged downstairs, comforting herself by thinking that she'll cross the bridge when she reaches it.



"Thank you so much, Minister, for all your help. We appreciate it. And now that our work is done, we'll need to leave".

"Ah yes Mr Potter. It was a pleasure assisting you".

Harry nodded and all of them caught hold of the Portkey and whooshed away. Back to England. Mr and Mrs Granger didn't look like they enjoyed it.

When they reached Hermione's muggle home, Ron pulled her aside.

"You're going to stay here?"

"Where else would I stay Ronald? This is my home!"

It's always been youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz