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Sweetness of the past

"Amu? You're really alright? Should we go?" Asked Kukai worried, pulling his friend at her arm. She managed to break her gaze free from the man who seemed to resemble her husband Ikuto. Shocked she looked at him. Kukai looked back at her with as much shock as she saw a single tear stream down her face. It was the first time ever he saw a teat running down her face.

"Amu....let's go" he said, pulling on her arm again "This doesn't do you any good. No matter who this guy is, font do anything that'll hurt your feels. You can feed tomorrow. Now is no good" he explained as he wanted to move outside with her.

Amu still needed to process. The only thing she had was the memory about him. Seeing his appearance after such a long time just brought her whole body into heat. She slowly got up, trying to walk along with Kukai as she then suddenly tripped over her own still wobbly legs.

She had her eyes closed, waiting for the impackt which never came. Slowly she had her eyes opened again, assuming that Kukai did catch her. Even more to her surprise she had found Kukai standing right in front of her, staring at her confused. She looked at her stomach, seeing an arm being wrapped around it.

She followed the arm, looking over her shoulder to meet the beautiful indigo eyes, she wanted to get lost in, again. Her heart stopped, the second they looked at each other. It seemed so endlessly. Almost like time had stopped around them. Sadly Kukai had to interrupt them with a faked cough.

Both flinched, looking at the brunette slightly annoyed. The handsome boy helped Amu up again, waiting for her to stay steady until removing his arm from her. Yet still gentle resting it on her waist. Amu didn't mind at all. Even of she didn't want to she welcomed every touch he gave.

"Are you alright?" He asked. A deep husky voice. Or more like the deep husky voice she hasn't heard in such a long time.

"Y-yes, thank you" responded Amu shily, avoiding his gaze as her face reddened again. Kukai looked surprised. Never had he seen Amu this flustered. Or nervous. Or.....he never saw hee act like a fallen girl.

"Oh well....I see you're in good hands now, see ya in a few hours!" Responded Kukai before walking off. He sensed the disgustingly romantic mood between those two. He didn't mind Amu enjoying herself for now. Even if she'd deny it. She wouldn't go even if he forced her.

Am I looked shocked as Kukai left. Leaving her alone with what seemed to be her love.

"Um...thanks...I think I'm fine now" she murmured as she sat back down at the chair.

"I don't think so" he responded sounding rather worried as he sat down next to her "your friend left and you're pretty. It's dangerous leaving you on your own now" he explained " still look a bit shaky to me. I'll stay until I know you're really better". Amu wanted to protest but quite down almost immediately. It was his kind nature as always. He never would leave her, knowing in what kind of bad state she is in.

" can stay I guess" she responded quietly.

"Great" he responded, a smile forming on his inviting lips. How badly she wanted tl steal a kiss from those. "By the name is Ikuto" he told her before ordering them both something to drink. Amu's heart seemed to have stopped for a second. It really was his reincarnation.

She didn't just notice because of his looks and name. It was 1:1 Ikuto. The one she had loved in the past. He really had come back.

Amu shock the thoughts of her love off and sipped on the drink Ikuto had bought her. Very sweet. Excellent for hee sweet tooth. She was almost on the edge of tears. Having him so close now. Having all those memories. And knowing that he didn't have a single one of them. Maybe the youth now even made her love all rotten, just like the teenage boys at her school.

The story of an immortal girl and her only love Where stories live. Discover now