Chapter 7

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Test phase?

Annoyed Amu was staring out of the window of Ikuto's car. After kidnapping her from her peaceful apartment he had throwen her in the backseat of her car. Before she could even think about escaping he already drove off with her.

She obviously was mad. After suddenly being pulled out of their peacezone anyone would. Which is why she ignored him the whole ride. Ikuto desperately tried to have a slight conversation. But nope. Amu was as stubborn as she possibly could.

"Don't be like this. You can see me as your servant today. I'll do anything you want" he suggested, looking at Amu in the back mirror. She glanced at him shortly before avoiding his gaze again. With her arms crossed she leaned back into the leather covered seat. She couldn't stop him from whatever he planned. She knew that. She knew him after all.

Somehow this did awake something nostalgic in her. As cars were just invented in the 20 century only rich people vould afford them. And if they could they didn't even drove themselve. They had servants who did. Amu back than had the luck to date a wealthy man.

He wasn't a bad man,  even thought he only wanted Amu for her unique looks and her beauty. Every man wanted a beautiful woman back then. Especially when they tries to hide that they were gay as fuck. So she had the luck that he never laid a finger on her.

The situation right now reminded her of how se took drives if she wanted to go out. She always would seat in the back, staring out of the window while a driver would bringer to her destination. Thought the world finally started to modernize it was a rather boring century for Amu. This one seems much more amusimg to her.

Still lost in her thoughts the car finally stopped. She only noticed as Ikuto opened the spot for her, allowing light into the backseat. Ikuto offered Amu his hand to help get out of the car. She gladly accepted. It was rather surprising for her that he behaved like a gentle man. Oh well, partly. A real gentleman doesn't kidnap innocent woman.

She looked at her surrounding seeing an elder building right in front of her. It was a theater. Her eyes widened in surprise. She herself enjoyed the theater. Not movie theaters. She found those we're rubbish and are rather boring fan entertaining. But theaters were great. She loved seeing the emotions which human tries to show while acting.

"A theater?" She asked as she looked at Ikuto. She didn't try hiding her surprise. Never would she have thought that he'd bring her to such a place. After all he was a teenager. She didn't think he'd bring her to such a 'classic' place.

"It's closed today but we still can get in" he responded,  a smirk as always playing on his lips as he pulled Amu along. Amu followed him inside. It really was closed. No one was in there. It was like the start of some horror movie, were everything is silent before everyone gets murdered.

After being led by Ikuto for a while they soon entered the main room of the theater, the proscenium. The lights were dimmed so Amu couldn't see much. As she looked more carefully she could see people on stage. It seemed as if they were in the middle of practice.

"Ikuto. What the hell! They're practicing" Amu scolded him quietly, trying to pull him away.

"It's fine" he laughed as he pulled her to the seats. They both sat down. Amu panicked mentally. For the past 1000 years she didn't commit any kind of crime. She didn't have to after all. Yet, this made her very nervous.

"We just broke into a theater. Why did we broke in a theater? Why the hell are we peacefully sitting in a theater we just broke in!?" Amu whisper yelled at Ikuto.

"Calm down" he sighed, patting her head in a try of soothing her. "They don't see us back here since they're busy acting. So just relax an enjoy it a bit" he explained. Amu hesisted at first. She still was tensed and nervous as she was sitting in the red clothed seat. But she soon did relax as she concentrated more onto the play. She soon recognized it. It was a midsummer night's dream.

The story of an immortal girl and her only love Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя