Chapter 8

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Sighing the pinkette looked out of the infirmary window, watching the teens enjoy their break as she was suffering in hers.

"Give me bite of that!"

"What? No way"

Annoyed she listened to the crunching of the snacks Utau and Kukai where eating. A vain popped out on her head as she finally snapped. Yelling at the two annoying love brides.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU TWO! IF YOU'RE ALREADY OCCUPYING MY PRIVATE SPACE DO IT QUIETLY!" Yelled Amu angered. Kukai and Utau immediately went quiet.

"I-Is she mad? Why?" Whispered Utau into Kukai's ear.

"Your brother hasn't shown up since a whole week....I guest that's why..." whispered Kukai back.

That seemed to be it. Utau and Kukai were already dating for a week. Which made Amu happy for her friend. But at the same time she didn't see Ikuto at all. After their date if you could call it that, he disappeared and she didn't see him since then.

He wasn't trailing around her in town nor was he at school. She  was mad as hell. But even more she was worried. What if something happened? Or maybe he was already feed up with her?

"Um....Hinamori-san?" Utau slowly approached Amu, tapping lightly on her shoulder. Amu gave a deadly glare. Utau and Kukai both flinched. Kukai was surprised to see so many new expressions on his friends face since this man showed up. Usually she was like a mannequin. Always having the same expression.

"What?" Responded Amu obviously mad.

"Please don't overthink too much about my brother" Utau started "it's usual for him to disappear for a longer time like that. Even I don't know where he is. B-But he's definitely not after other women. Since he met you, woman are the last thing that seem to interest him" she explained, trying to calm Amu down.

Kukai didn't think it would work. But surprisingly it did. Amu's expression softened. And the aura around her seemed to soften as well, making the girl appear less deadly.

"Thank you" Amu smiled softly at Utau, helping her fix her nervousness around Amu. She made her rather worried since Kukai explained Amu was his last alive relative and that's why they live together. Not like it was actually true. "And by the can call me Amu, since you'll be at our place more often I guess" she added.

Utau smiled before sitting back down next to Kukai. The brunette was surprised as to see how well those two girls got along. Amu didn't mind the girl. She was nice but also had quit an attitude towards people she didn't like. She had a strong yet gentle character. And since she was Kukais girlfriend by now she wanted to try befriending her. It was centuries ago that she had a female friend around her after all.

"Kukai get me a coffee" Amu said  staring at him intensely.

"What? No get it yourse-" Utau cut her boyfriend off with a hit on his head. "She's your aunt, get her a coffee for goods sake" she told him  scolding the idiot brunette.

Kukai looked confused, rubbing the back of his head. He got up and left to get Amu a cup of coffee. He couldn't belive what he just witnessed. The two women most important in his life....are allying together. Could this get any worse.

Amu and Utau laughed at Kukai's dumbfounded reaction before returning to silence. Utau didn't mind. By now she understood that Amu enjoyed her free time quietly. She could understand. After all there are probably a lot of students annoying her around the lessons.

The girls waited several minutes before the infirmary door swung open. To their surprise it wasn't Kukai who stood there. It was Ikuto. With a cup of coffee in hand.

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