Horror: Vampire-Unicornes

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A/N My awesome bro asked me to add a character into the book my co writer and I wrote: The Hidden Three. He wanted me to add a species of Vampire-Unicorns. I didn't agree with that idea. But I did agree to put it in my Short Stories. So with no further Adieu, bro, this is for you.

It was a cold October night, the moon was partially visible through the grey clouds that shrouded the sky. Wisps of fog weaved themselves through the skeletal branches of the trees and floated like eerie ghosts of white. I walked on a well-trodden path through the forest. My feet made a crinkling sound as I stepped on the freshly fallen leaves. An October breeze breathed on the back of my neck sending a cold shiver down my back. I looked behind me and saw a black figure towering over me. I cried out and stumbled back, it was a unicorn with a glistening black coat and bloodshot eyes. Its horn was glowing white and a single droplet of scarlet blood dripped down its horn leaving a trail of red as it fell. It stood there in all its nightmarish glory. Then it moved quickly, I felt it's razor sharp horn plunge into my neck. My legs became pudding and I sank to the ground. I lay there as every drop of blood was drained from my body. Sustaining this powerful animal, sustaining the craving.

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