Writing Prompt

18 1 4

I came up with this writing prompt and wanted to try it out!
Copyright: please do not use this prompt.


I reached into my bag and pulled out a small yellow bottle. Opening the lid I squeezed the cream out onto my hand and watched as the grey scales disappeared.

The bell sounded and the rustle of papers and screeching of chairs across the floor signaled that I had survived yet again, Mr. Poniet's history class without falling asleep. Joining the river of teenagers headed for the art wing and looked down at my hands. Grey dragon scale started to climb up my wrist and was just visible above the cuff of my shirt. I quickly pushed my hands down into my pockets to hide them from people and switched 'lanes'. You see, high school hallways work like highways. There are streams of people, one going one way and the other going the other way that act like lanes of cars, at places were four hallways open up into a big square the lanes move like cars through an intersection with no stop lights. Lanes going straight through, people switching lanes, people turning into other lanes, and all four lanes trying to get through all at the same time. It's chaotic and super easy to hit other people, not to mention the groups of people who just stand in clumps in the middle of the hallways that act like police barriers. My lane leads me down the stairs to the second floor, then I moved off over to the bathroom. I checked to see if anyone was in the stalls and then faced the mirror. A girl with a rounded baby face, peculiar golden eyes, and locks of severely tangled, dark chocolate hair stared back at me through the dirty mirror. I diverted my eyes, hating my reflection and examined my hands. The scales had crawled up until they reached my thumb. My bag made an echoing thump as it hit the floor and I unzipped the side pocket. I held my lip balm, my hairbrush(like it does any good), and my "hand cream". You see, the hand cream isn't actually cream. It is a potion that keeps my scales at bay. Yes, I said scales. I am the only existing dragon hybrid. I am half human half dragon, which means that I can turn into a dragon at any time, but unfortunately, that means that my human form comes with dragon scales. So to hide them I put this potion on any skin that shows. I squeezed the tube and it makes a sputtering noise. I close the lid and shake it. Then I try again. No progress. I start to panic. The grey scales start to grow faster. I can't walk around like this, and I can't call my parents, for they died in an attack. I shuffled through my bag looking for money for the public bus. Then an image flashed through my mind reminding me that I had left my wallet on the kitchen table. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! So. I have no money, no bank card to get money, no way home until my school bus comes at the end of the day, and no potion. Also to make it worse I have to present today to my English class. Great! I dug through the bottomless pit I call my backpack and pull out gloves, a hat, and a scarf. Perfect, except for the fact that it is the middle of June, and it is 36 degrees outside. I pulled out my phone and texted my best friend.

Annabeth, I need your help!!

What do you need Pipes?

I need makeup.

Makeup? What for?

To wear it.

Why? You never wear makeup.

I know, but I look like Godzilla

today and I have a presentation.

Ok, r u in the bathroom?



I turned off my phone and quickly wrapped a scarf around my neck and put on the gloves. My friend Katie(Her nickname is Annabeth) burst through the door brandishing her mascara bottle like a knife.

"Annabeth to the rescue!" She cried handing me her makeup case, "Whats with the scarf?"

"Oh, you know." I smiled mischievously, "This is my favorite scarf." She groaned and rolled her eyes, remembering the day I told her that every five seconds for the entirety of our math class.

"I have to go, class is about to start and I don't want to be late! Oh, and by the way, Godzilla doesn't look half as good as you today." With that, she turned her blonde ponytail swaying and sped out the door. I pried open the coverup and brushed my dark brown hair aside and began to apply the makeup heavily trying to cover the dark grey scales. Luckily, Katie and I have the same skin tone. I moved on to my hands, then put some makeup on my face and raced out the door as the second-period bell rang.




"Sweet Freedom!!!!!" Katie and I hollered as we raced out the school doors and down the front steps. We skipped the last four steps and landed hard on the sidewalk almost knocking each other down and then exploded in gales of laughter. We finally compose our selves and began to walk towards my house so we can bring in the holidays with a bang and celebrate our survival of the last two months and the survival of this hectic day.

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