Picture Writing: Memories

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A/N Okay so I am going to try my hand at picture writing. What is picture writing? For me, PW is when I take a picture and post it at the top of my paragraph them write about it. I will probably do this a lot depending on how my first one goes. See you all later!

  I clutched tightly at the thin string that was my only hope of survival

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  I clutched tightly at the thin string that was my only hope of survival. The pink balloons pulled me up and up through the thick clouds. I had no idea how I got here or where I was other than the fact that four bubble gum pink helium-filled balloons were lifting a 130-pound woman through the air. The clouds thinned and I was flying through the blue sky.
"Hello?" I called but the sky seemed to swallow up my call. I twisted to try to get a look at the ground. But there was only the carpet of thick cloud I just came through. I could not tell how high up I was. Then I was surrounded by pink fluffy clouds and I was blind again. It took only a minute to get free of the clouds and soar upwards in the blue sky. But instead of the just blue sky, there were clouds. All shapes and sizes. One looked like a teddy bear and the other my old crib. Wait. The crib seemed to be rocking back and forth. A cloud woman came and picked a cloud baby up from the crib. A squeal of excitement came from my left and I quickly turned my head to see a young girl, me as a young girl being chased by her brother around in a circle. My older brother used to do that to me all the time. As I flew passed other clouds I realized that I was looking at my memories. My birth, my first birthday, the day I graduated high school and headed off to college. My first kiss, my wedding day, and the day my mother died. Tears clouded my eyes as I watched the memories fly by, the good, the bad, and the special moments surrounded me. I flew through my memories, holding on to my bundle of balloons, up, up through the sky.

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