Fantasy: Element

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Many of you know about my book called Elements. Well, I had this idea once and I wanted to share it with you. Now. This chapter is a character description. It will be different from my other chapters. My idea is based on the question: if the elements could be portrayed in a person, what would they look like? I hope you enjoy this! See you all soon!

Once upon a time, there was a girl. This girl was irresistibly beautiful and radiant. Skin made of pure gold and hair of gold fire. She was the sun. And one day the earth, a handsome young man, fell in love with this girl. One day, the sun gave birth to quadruplets. All girls. These girls, being from the sun and earth, possessed the powers of their parents. Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water.

Wind, had hair of the four winds, entangling and weaving them selves into another. Her skin, translucent and eyes like the brightest star. Wings sprouted from her back, so white that you were blinded by the sight of them. She was the most graceful of the four was given the power of atmosphere and wind. Torn between her mother and father she chose to live in the space between. Visiting each atmosphere daily.

Fire had hair like tongues of flame that glowed softly and changed with her every movement. Her skin was black and ashen and her eyes red as coals. She was the only daughter who was like the sun and was given the power of light and warmth. Led by a haughty heart and stubborn mind she lives with her mother in the sun shedding light and warmth on the world.

"Earth the humble" had hair of weaved leaves and skin like the bark of a tree. With eyes like the purest emerald, she was her father's favorite daughter. He took her under his wing and gave her the power over all life on earth.

Water had hair like a river, running, flowing, moving forever. Her skin was made of the finest pearl, and her eyes were like the blue of the Caribbean Sea. The kindest of the four, she was pitied by her father for being the opposite of her mother and sister, fire. So she too was given a place in the deep lakes and ponds of the world. She lay there sending rain to her sister, Wind, and nourishing our world.

The sisters work in harmony until the end of time in which they will retire with their parents and live together with no fear of difference.

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