Big Words

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A/N Just for fun I decided that I am going to create a random list of cool big word that will spice up your vocabulary and impress your friends(;  If you have a suggestion comment it with its definition.

Calo anor na ven peeps!!    AQ

1. Amaranthine: eternally beautiful or a deep purple-red 

2. Atychiphobia: a fear of failure, or not being good enough 

3. Argy-bargy: a lively discussion 

4. Boketto: the act of gazing vacantly into the distance without thinking 

5. Bosky: having abundant trees or shrubs 

6. Cavort: jump or dance around excitedly 

7. Edacious: having a large appetite 

8. Effulgent: shining forth brilliantly radiant 

9.  Fika: drinking coffee while eating something sweet 

10. Flumadiddle: utter nonsense 

11. Frisson: a shiver of pleasure 

12. Hiraeth: a homesickness for a home that you cannot go back to or never existed 

13. Hypopherenia: a feeling of sadness without a cause 

14. Ineffable: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words 

15. Iwis: certainly 

16. Latibule: a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort 

17. Logophile: a lover of words (Me....) 

18. Meraki: to do something with soul, creativity, or love; to put something of yourself into your work. 

19. Peiskos: the feeling you get when you sit in front of a fire and enjoy its warmth 

20. Petrichor: the pleasant earthly smell after a rainfall 

21. Pluviophile: a person who loves the rain 

22. Psithurism: the sound of rustling leaves 

23. Querencia: a place where one feels safe, a place from which one's strength is drawn 

24. Razzmatazz: action meant to attract attention 

25. Selcouth: unfamiliar, rare, strange, but yet marvelous 

26. Susurrus: a low soft sound, as of whispering or muttering or s quiet wind; a whispering or a rustling 

27. Tickety-boo: ok, fine 

28. Vorfreude: the joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures 

29. Wabi-sabi: the discovery of beauty in imperfection 

30. Yestreen: during yesterday evening 

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