Horizontal Sky

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I looked around and saw the sky. The stars that speckled the sky where here on earth, though not in their normal form. They were the headlights that rocketed away on the highway, here for a moment and gone another. Flying away on an endless adventure, never stopping until they burned out. Every room alight along the buildings created a different constellation. Appearing and disappearing throughout the night as lights flicked on and off. Like the stars as they rise and set. They were the road lights and glowing billboards that speckled the ground giving us light and direction. I looked around at our electronic sky, the galaxy captured horizontally. Then I looked up. The sky was empty and dull. There was no light anymore, we had replaced it. The stars still exist, but no longer show on earth. One day, when the lights go out. We will miss the stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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