Chapter 2

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Yuri's POV

Hours have gone by with no word from doctors. My leg bounced nervously as the hour count went to four. There were only a few people in the emergency room by now, leaving me practically by myself in a room full of chairs. My phone was swamped with texts from Viktor and Yuuri. 'Is he alright?' 'Yurio are you ok?' 'Remember to get something to eat.' 'Update me, okay!!' 

I sighed and shut off my phone. I rather not get bombarded by those two right now. All I want to see is Otabek. Almost a few moments later a middle aged doctor came out of the double doors and towards me. I bounded out of my seat and it felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. "How is he?" I asked nervously. 

The man spoke slowly, "He's stable." A feeling of relief rushed over me and my heart slowed. "He lost quite a lot of blood, and he has a concussion. He's currently in a lethargic state... possibly a coma." He says as he puts his clipboard to his side. 

My shoulders slumped and I looked at my feet. "Have you told his family? What about visitation- can I see him?" I asked lowly. 

The doctor nodded, "We've called his family. They can't come see him at this time, but they hope you could be there for him." The man put his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. I nodded in response, looking at the double doors ahead of me. "Come." 

-The doctor guided me to what was past the double doors. I didn't know what I was going to see. I was anticipating he'd look just like his normal self. But when the doctor opened the door I was so wrong. 

Not only did Otabek look like he'd been through hell, he was pale and disheveled. His head was wrapped in bandages that were fresh, his black hair poking through the seams. A white tube pried his lips apart, making its way down his throat. Otabek desperately needed it ever since he stopped breathing in the ambulance.  He looked asleep as I thought. But this felt different, knowing that it could be days, weeks since I saw Beka again. 

The doctor closed the door behind me. I had thought I'd just make my way in there and he could open his eyes and talk to me, but this was so different than how I imagined it. I slowly made my way over to him, pulling up a chair and sitting next to him. I gently grabbed Otabek's pale hand-being careful of the IV that was in the back of it. 

My thumb gently grazed the back of his hand as I spoke. "Um... Hey Otabek... I- I don't know what to say," I breathed. I looked at his pale face and felt the tears coming back. They slid down my cheeks quickly, dripping off of my chin. I tried to hold back my cries, to be the soldier he called me when we met again in Barcelona. 

"Y- You're going to be alright Beka. You're going to get out of this hospital and go back to our apartment together. We're going to go to the Grand Prix final and be on that podium... together..." The tears came faster, dribbling off onto Otabek's lifeless hand. I was just spewing words at this point. It's not like he's going to hear me. I mean, the man that I've had a crush on for years is in a state that I always thought I'd be in first. 

I sighed and took Otabek's hand, planting a kiss close to the IV port. I could feel my face heat up, but that was mostly from the crying. It took all of my courage to speak again. "Otabek. Please get through this... I don't think I can live with myself if anything happ-" I cut myself off. "I love you Otabek. I've loved you for awhile now, and I really hate that this is how it's coming out. With you in a damn coma." 

I couldn't take it anymore. My cries turned into sobs and all that was running through my mind was the worst possibilities. My grip on Otabek's hand grew tight as I put my face in the hospital sheets. I felt my tears soak into the bed, my body shaking as I let out cries for him. "This is all your coach's fault! Dammit Otabek- I'm so sorry this happened..." 

Otabek's Pov

There is a cloudy haze over my brain, not permitting me to move my body. It's like a dark cloud, keeping my lips sealed for eternity. All that's left for me to do is let the horrible thoughts of never waking up again. Which means I would never see Yuri again. I hear far off footsteps. My heart leaps out of my chest. Yuri?

I felt a soft hand on mine. "Um... Hey Otabek... I- I don't know what to say," Yuri says. I felt drops of tears on my arm. I want to wake up and embrace him, tell him everything is okay."Y- You're going to be alright Beka. You're going to get out of this hospital and go back to our apartment together. We're going to go to the Grand Prix final and be on that podium... together..." The sound of my nickname, Beka, jolts my heart.

 "Otabek. Please get through this... I don't think I can live with myself if anything happ-" He suddenly stops. "I love you Otabek. I've loved you for awhile now, and I really hate that this is how it's coming out. With you in a damn coma."

I then felt a flutter of lips pressed against the back of my hand, where the IV met the skin. He couldn't truly mean what he said, unless I've been blind about his feelings. Oh, Yuri. Poor, sweet Yuri. I love you too. You have no idea how much I want to remove this oxygen tube from my mouth and scream to the world, I love you Yuri Plietsky.

. . . 

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