Chapter 7

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Yuri's POV

Here I was, back in a familiar situation. I sat next to a passed out Otabek in the hospital. The silver metal hung around my neck and rested on my chest. God dammit Beka. Why did you do this. Why did you come!? I feel like this is all my fault.

Just as he appeared in my thoughts, his eyes opened. "Yuri..." He said groggily. He tried to sit up but my palm pressed against his chest. 

"Don't. Lay down," I commanded. I sat back in my chair and sighed as he watched me. I stayed quiet and looked down at my lap. I'd lost the words to say suddenly, even though my mind was set on giving him a big speech.

"What happened?" He asks, placing a hand to his head. 

"You passed out at the competition," I say lowly. "What the fuck, Beka? Why did you come when you knew you couldn't handle it!" I barked. He looked surprised and shocked.

Otabek's POV

I stared at Yuri, dumbfounded that he would say that. After what I did for him. A lone tear slipped down my cheek, this hurts. Then all of a sudden, I felt angry. "Well maybe if you didn't make such a big deal in the first place, this wouldn't have happened!" It was Yuri's turned to be shocked, I hardly ever get angry at him. Yuri looked down at his fumbling hands and stays silent. After a few moments of me panting in anger, he finally speaks. "Well, you didn't have to come Otabek. If it meant you getting hurt, you don't have to. Now, I guess that means I'm not going to go to Hasetsu." he whispers softly, then he stands up and rests an accusing finger on my chest, "I have to stay here and take care of you, you fucking idiot! What the hell!" he yells.

At least he's not going to Hasetsu, but he will be in a pissy mood for the next week at least. He angrily plops on a chair next to the bed and crosses his arms, glaring at me the whole time. I sigh, knowing I'm going to have to deal with this sooner or later, might as well sooner. "Yuri, look. I'm sorry. I just thought you needed some support at your competition, to help you..." I start before Yuri cuts me off, "Who said I need your help? If anything it's you who needs the god damned help." he retorts.

I chuckle and think of the Yuri who needed my help, so long ago. I guess now the tables have turned.

Yuri's POV

I sighed and grabbed a bag that's next to me, "While you were passed out, I got some stuff from home... since you're going to be here for awhile and all." I pulled the big blue bag onto my lap and Pull out a few things. 

"I brought you your favorite sweater, your phone charger and some headphones, that picture of you and your family, your favorite Khazakh drama..." I pulled things out and set them on the bed next to him as I spoke. 

I set up his pictures and such on the table next to the bed. I placed the movies in the drawer and put his clothes into the closet. "Thank you, Yura." He spoke as I put things away. 

"It's nothing." I leaned against the side of his hospital bed, "Listen, I haven't done any press conferences yet, and I have to leave soon. Is there anything you need?" I ask lowly. 

"No, thank you." He said with a faint smile. I nod and start to get up, before being dragged back down on the side of the bed. I see Otabek sit up and wrap his arms around my shoulders. I feel my face heat up. He definitely felt it when his lips slowly pressed against my cheek. My heart jumped and I must have been redder than I ever have before. 

 I became a flustered mess and got up from the bed, "B- Bye Beka!" I grab my bag and bolt out of the room before he saw my face.   

Otabek's POV

After watching all of the movies Yuri left for me, I turn to my dresser to look at some pictures he left for me to look at. One of the pictures was of us at a showcase in Berlin. The memories bring a smile to my face, Yuri almost punched a French skater in the nose just because he said something about Yuri's costume. I had to hold him back, full force. That little fireball always starts something up at every skating event we go to.

The next photo was of us at a Japanese café in Hasetsu. This was the day I had my first pork cutlet bowl, and I now saw how that piggy, Yuuri, chose that as his eros. Beside me in the picture was Yurio, with a small smile on his face. This is the only picture I have of him, where he is smiling, at least a little bit. In the background are Viktor and Yuuri holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. I wish that could be me and Yuri, with my whole heart.

I look to where Yuri last sat in my hospital room. On the blue plastic chair, there was a single piece of lined paper. Huh, he must have left it. I wobble over there, my legs nearly giving out, but my curiosity won over the pain. As I sat back on the bed, I open the wrinkly sheet of paper. It was extremely obvious someone took a lot of time on this, erasing and rewriting. I start to read:

Dear Beka,

I know I'm obviously not the most loving or caring person ever. I can never say those sweet nothings out loud, and I'm sorry. So, here is a list of things I could never say to you out loud.1. You have always been the strong one. I depend on you all the time, and you've yet to fail me.2. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you see me. You don't look at anyone like that.3. You keep me from sinking into my anger. You keep me afloat, and you don't even have to try. I just look at you and my anger is gone. Whenever I'm mad at you, I have to fake it.4. You're beautiful. I can hardly take my eyes off you, on and off the ice.5. You are always there, and I sometimes take it for granted.I know you will probably never read this, Beka, but it just feels good to get my true feelings for you out. I'm sorry that you will never read this, it's just I'll never be able to let you know. You'll probably reject me anyways. The truth is, I love you. It's always been you.

Love, Yuri

By the end of the letter, tears stream down my face in heavy rivulets. He was telling the truth when I was in a coma. But I didn't believe him. What have I done? He'll never give me a chance, because he's terrified. I know he's been scared of something lately, because he's been holding back. But I never thought he would be afraid of me.

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