Chapter 4

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Otabek's POV

I blushed when Yuri said "I'll take it from here." I have such a good friend, or I don't even know what to call him anymore. Almost more than friends? Because I haven't told him how I feel. I will wait until I know for sure that he loves me. Yuri's footsteps pulled me out of my thoughts. Yuri suddenly hugged me. I wrap my arms around him. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that you're on this damn hospital bed when you should be skating with me." He says buried in my chest, "And now you won't be able to skate with me until the doctor clears you!" I feel Yuri's wet tears staining my hospital gown.

"Oh Yuri! Don't cry for me. But it is true. I won't skate for awhile. Even when the doctor clears me, I don't think I could bring myself to put my skates on." I rub Yuri's back comfortingly.

Yuri stiffens in my arms and pulls away. "You must be hungry, huh? You've been fed through a tube for a day and a half." He picks up the porridge, which was very chunky yet watery at the same time. Nasty.

"Yuri, don't change the subject. You're pulling away, like you do when you're hurt. Don't do that to me, I'm your friend." I look him right in the eye. He looks down, as expected. He stays silent, closing his mental door on me. Hopefully he'll open it for me later.

Yuri's POV

I know I probably should keep my composure around him. But I couldn't take it. I hugged him tighter than I ever have hugged anyone. He asked what was wrong. So many things were wrong. You cracked open your head, you have a concussion. Your coach pushed you over the edge- I... I confessed to you while you were in a coma. I summed it all up as just a skating issue. 

"What's wrong is that you're in this damn hospital bed when you should be skating with me." I kept my face in his chest, feeling the warmth coming off of his body. "And now you won't be able to skate with me until the doctor clears you!" 

All I've been doing for the past few days is crying. Yet, no matter how hard I tell myself I'm not, It always ends up happening. I missed Otabek's dumb voice, his stupid calm tone, even that dangerous- but amazing- motorcycle of his.  I couldn't help but let tears bleed into his gown. I don't know if they're tears of joy or sadness. 

I feel Otabek's hand move up and down my back. I turned red and felt like crying harder. "Oh Yuri! Don't cry for me." He spoke softly. I could feel his breath hit my skin. "But it's true. I won't skate for awhile. Even when the doctor clears me, I don't think I could bring myself to put my skates on." That's what Yuri feared... I almost knew he'd say that. 

I let go of him and wipe my tears with my finger. I decided to change the subject before he said anything. "You must be hungry, huh? You've been fed through a tube for a day and a half." I smile lightly at him and pick up the bowl the nurse had gave him. I picked some up with a spoon, almost gagging at the gross consistency. 

Then Otabek spoke, "Yuri, don't change the subject. You're pulling away, like you do when you're hurt. Don't do that to me, I'm your friend." Fuck he caught on. He looks right into my eyes. I feel myself melt under his gaze. I couldn't look at him and be truthful. I set down the bowl and look down at the bed. I couldn't find the words to say. 

Otabek's POV

"I know you're sad, but I'll always be your friend. Even if it means I won't be on the ice for awhile. I always want to skate with you." I sigh, "It's just I'm scared Yuri. I'm terrified of being injured like that again."

"You won't get injured! I'll make sure of it." Yuri looks up at me, a deep blush on his face, tear stains on his cheeks.

"I know you won't, but that doesn't stop me from being scared." I look down at Yuri to see a look of shock on his face.

"Beka, this is not you. You are the strong one, who moves on with grace. The stable one." He bursts into a new set of fresh tears, "And I'm the weak one who depends on you! How will I skate without you?" Yuri looks me in the eyes, looking like he just shattered into a million pieces on the inside. My heart jolts inside my chest.

"You can, and will skate. But not without me. I'll be there in spirit. I'll be in this damn hospital bed, rooting for you, Yuri." A lone tear slides down my cheek. Yuri, you have no idea how strong you are. You have no idea, but I think the world of you. Your strength keeps me skating. If it wasn't for him, I would have already quit. I love you for your strength.

"That's not the same, Otabek and you know it. I will skate horribly at the competition next week and it will be all your fault!" Yuri screeched. He looked down at his hands. I can tell he regrets what he said, but it didn't stop my heart from breaking. "I have to go," Yuri says quietly and rushes out of the room.

I stay silent, not knowing what to say. But I know what I'll do. I'll go to his competition, and nothing will stop me.

The Hurt and the Strong. [YOI Otayuri Collab]Where stories live. Discover now