Chapter 5

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Yuri's POV

I found myself back at the apartment that Otabek and I share. I kicked off my shoes at the door and walked into the empty kitchen. We'd just move in not that long ago. All we had was a simple kitchen, beds, and a couch in the middle of the room. 

I pushed down every thought I had from today. All I wanted to do now was relax and feel safe knowing that Otabek was awake. Besides,what I had to worry about was competing without him.

 I sit on our lumpy couch that I bought on sale. It's not comfortable but it's what we could afford. I scrolled through instagram, seeing posts from Yuri's Angels and that Pork Cutlet bowl. As I continued to go further down, I see a post from Otabek. It's just a picture of the heart monitor with the caption: 'Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. I'm doing well, but I won't be able to perform for awhile. So be sure to cheer Yuri Plisetski on in the Grand Prix Final in a few days.' Off course he'd right that

I tapped on his profile, seeing the picture he had just taken a few days before the accident. The picture was of Otabek and me at the Japanese restaurant we went to for dinner. My eyes focused on him, remembering the hug that happened just hours before. I could feel my face heat up as I looked at him. 

Why Otabek. Why do I have to like him out of everybody. I'd kept my feelings down for so long, but because of the accident it all came out. I'm older now, I know I shouldn't be acting so childish about these things. But it seems so much harder liking him the way I do with everything that has happened. I feel like by now he can tell that I like- love him. I've been so out of my usual self ever since that day. He must know something's going on with me. 

I found myself staring off at the photo. I sighed and chucked my phone across the room, it landing on the floor with a loud  CLANK. I want to stop thinking about this- I need to stop thinking about him. I need to take a break. 

It soon became morning. I had passed out on the couch sometime last night. I went to the rink as always, texting on my way. I put on my skates and started warming up on the ice like usual. I practiced my routines over and over through the entire day. Yakov said my performance was flawless. Over the years I had grown to be his 'number one student.' Even surpassing Viktor. 

 The entire day my mind was racing. I didn't want to be here in Russia at the moment. I wanted to so desperately leave- to forget about this entire issue. But not until the Grand Prix. It was nine o' clock pm. End of practice. "Good job, Yuratchka. Same thing tomorrow." Yakov said as he packed up his bag.

"Yakov." I spoke, "I think I'm going to spend my break in Hatsetsu... maybe go see how Viktor and Yuuri are doing." 

Yakov raised a brow, "Who are you and what have you done with Yura?" 

Otabek's POV
Yuri is so impulsive. I still can't believe he's going to Hasetsu with Viktor and Yuuri, just to get away from me and his anger. He knows his anger will follow him, but he has never ceased to try. Yuri has always been this way. Especially when I had first met him.
FLASHBACK"No, YOU go and do it! I'm not going to sit here and listen to your crap." eleven year old Yuri yelled. He was getting extremely red in the face and getting louder and louder every second. "You say I can't do a quad, huh? Just watch you stupid idiot!" Yuri took off skating down the ice, getting as much speed as possible. The boy he was yelling at watched in awe, as he didn't think Yuri would actually do it. With grace, Yuri took off for the jump. He fell short and crashed to the ground with a thump.
I stood there watching the whole time. When Yuri didn't get up for a few second, I ran out with my shoes on to make sure the little Russian fire ball was okay. I slid to his side and put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright, Yuri?" I said softly. Yuri jolted around and stared at me for a second.
"I'm fine," Yuri stands up and winces noticeably. He tries to skate off, but I grab his hand. A blush crept on my face as I said "You're not fine, you're limping at every stroke. You can hurt yourself more if you keep going." Yuri glances at me angrily, but his gaze softens when he sees the concern in my eyes.
"Alright," he says rejectedly and looks down. I lead him of the ice to a nearby bench. He winces sharply when he sits down. "What hurts?" I ask. Yuri looks at me with tears in his eyes, " My knee," he whimpers. "Let's take a look at it." I respond.
I roll up his pant leg to find a purple bruise, still growing by the second. "Oh, Yuri! You really hurt your knee. I'll go get some ice." Before I rush off, Yuri pulls on my sweater sleeve. "B-but, who are you? And why are you helping me?"
I look back at him, blushing, "I'm Otabek. I'm helping because it's nice to help a friend."
And I never stopped caring for Yuri since that day. I feel like it's my duty to protect him. "Nurse?" I call into the hallway. Almost immediately, Nurse Sharon pops her head in the door. "Yes, Otabek?" She asks. "I need to go somewhere and it's really important." I say. "But the doctor hasn't cleared you yet. And there are so many risks like..." I cut her off, "I don't care. Release me now." I need to see Yuri.

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