Chapter 8

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Yuri's POV

After visiting Otabek, I went back to the seemingly lifeless apartment. I walked into my room and saw my cat (As always) curled up on my pillow. I went to go reach and put the note I'd meant to give to Otabek onto my side table. But when I checked my pockets, it wasn't there. "Shit!" I hiss, rummaging and emptying my pockets.  When I found nothing my eyes turned wide. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck." I yell  as I put my face into my hands. 

"Sasha! The note's missing! Fuck! Shit! I wonder if he saw it-" I turned to his half awake cat. She looked un-amused. I lay myself down next to her and bury my face in her fur, "I fucked up Sasha..." 

Otabek's POV

I try not to gag as the nurse tried to feed me some sort of foul chicken. "C'mon Otabek, you gotta eat something." she coos as if I'm a five year old refusing broccoli. "Maybe I would eat it, if it wasn't so god damned disgusting." I retort. The nurse steps away from me and says, "Watch your manners," I groan loudly and turn over. "Leave." I say blatantly. She huffs and strides out of the room.

My phone vibrates and the table next to me. I pick it up and read it. It's from Yakov saying 'Yurio didn't come to practice this morning. Is he with you?' I quickly type back, 'No, and he shouldn't be skipping practice.' 'He should know that as well. Bye, and hope you get better." Hmm, Yurio didn't go to practice. I better text him. I pull up his contact, which has a picture of him dancing with Yuuri at that skaters party. 'Yuri, where are you? Shouldn't have skipped practice.' I type. Pretty soon he texts, 'Didn't feel like it today.'

I gasp a little, taken aback. Yuri would never say that. He never 'didn't feel like it'. I remember how he used to yell at me every time I got sick and couldn't make it. 'What's wrong?' I ask. He leaves it on read, making me feel insecure. Does it have something to do with the letter, does he regret it?

Yuri's Pov

I laid in my bed next to  sleeping Sasha, thinking over what I said in that letter. What do I say to him. That I didn't want to come cause I don't want to face you? After thinking about how to reply for what felt like hours in my mind, I typed: 'I skipped so I could see you later.' That should make up for it... But now I have to see him. What if he read the note? Will he say anything- No duh he's going to say something- I confessed!

'Alright. Come as soon as you can. I'd like some company.' I sighed as I read it, sitting up to slip on my shoes. I tied my hair up for it to get out of my face. It had grown longer than what I remembered. I patted Sasha goodbye and headed out the door to see Beka. 

As I stepped into his Hospital room he waved and faintly smiled. He had stubble growing in from being in the hospital so long. My heart beats faster as I've never seen him like this. I stuffed it all my feelings back down and nodded. I sat in the provided chair and kept to myself. "So... you watch those movies?" I ask lowly. 

"Yuri." He spoke in a low tone. His voice sent shivers down my spine. I know he read the letter- I just know it. I know I don't act like how I wrote... but I just want to confess to him. That yes, it's all true. I've liked you since Barcelona-I fell in love with you when we shared the podium at the Olympics... But something's stopping me. 

"What's wrong?" He sighs, "Is it about the letter? Yuri... I know how you must fee-" I didn't want to hear it. "Stop Otabek. Stop." I command. Instead of his train of thought stopping, I crashed mine. I know I should confess right here, right now. He knows already, why hide it. But I'm... I'm not brave enough. I'm not that soldier he once called me. 

"It..." I swallowed hard, "It meant nothing." I looked down as I said those words. I didn't want to look up- ever. I noticed small drips of water dribbled onto my jeans. I put my hand to my cheek and felt the steady stream of tears running down. I can't be crying... This is nothing new to me- Hiding my feelings. 

Suddenly I saw Otabek's feet hit the cold hospital floor. Before I knew it, I was forced into a tight embrace. As I smelled his cologne and felt his stubble graze my cheek, I noticed myself crumbling under his touch. My arms wrapped quickly around him- my hands gripping at his hospital gown. My stream of tears turned into Violent sobs. I couldn't control myself. 

I felt his face press into my shoulder, Otabek mumbling things that I was too upset to hear. 

The Hurt and the Strong. [YOI Otayuri Collab]Where stories live. Discover now