Chapter 3

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Yuri's POV

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I sobbed. I looked up and saw Otabek's coach. "I know, it's a rough day, kid." He says with a polite smile. When I saw him I just know my face turned bright red in anger. I couldn't control myself when I saw him. Showing up, right at the moment when I was visiting Beka. "You..." I let out a growl. 

I stood, my chair falling behind me. "This is all your fault!" I yelled. "Why are you hear? Just to rub it in my face that you got Otabek in a fucking coma!?" I waked right up on him, snarling in the man's face. 

The man puts his hands on my chest, pushing me back. "Calm down, Yuratchka. This is no body's fault. It was just an accident." He spoke calmly. 

"'No body's fault' my ass!" I barked. "If you didn't push him over his damn limit, he wouldn't be here!" Tears streamed down my face in anger. Two nurses came into the room and put their Hands on my shoulders. 

"Sir, please. Everyone's upset." One spoke. "Please, just go take a breather and you can come back." She smiles and walks me out. I reluctantly went with her. She was right... I have practice anyway. I'll go and skate for awhile and come back when he isn't there. 

Otabek's POV

Coach is here? That makes my blood boil inside my veins. It was no surprise that Yuri would respond rashly. It made me upset that Yuri had to leave so Coach could be here. Coach's words still rang in my ears. 'More power! 'More speed!' If this man knew my limits, like a good coach would, this wouldn't have happened.

"Hey, Otabek. I know you can't hear me, but I just want to say you could have landed that jump if you kept your core stronger. You were flopping like a fish. I am still upset about this horrible accident. It's hard to coach without my star pupil there. But I know you'll be on the ice in no time." Coach stated in a matter-of-fact tone, like he knew my every move.

The thought of putting my skates on makes me feel intimidated. How will I ever take the ice again?

Otabek's POV

Coach is here? That makes my blood boil inside my veins. It was no surprise that Yuri would respond rashly. It made me upset that Yuri had to leave so Coach could be here. Coach's words still rang in my ears. 'More power! 'More speed!' If this man knew my limits, like a good coach would, this wouldn't have happened.

"Hey, Otabek. I know you can't hear me, but I just want to say you could have landed that jump if you kept your core stronger. You were flopping like a fish. I am still upset about this horrible accident. It's hard to coach without my star pupil there. But I know you'll be on the ice in no time." Coach stated in a matter-of-fact tone, like he knew my every move.

The thought of putting my skates on makes me feel intimidated. How will I ever take the ice again?

Yuri's POV

Yakov let me off an hour early. He knows how much Otabek means to me. Even the hard ass was saddened by it all. He knew how much of a great Skater Otabek is, full of potential and bravery. I got out around 8 o clock, immediately going to the hospital. 

When I got there, I checked with the nurse before I went in to check if his coach was still there. When the coast was clear, I went through the two double doors to the rooms. I walked down the hall and searched for room 118.

When I stepped into the door all I saw was two nurses and a doctor. The doctor talked about the state of Otabek, while a nurse grabbed a spoon full of porridge. The doctor finished up and walked past me, to reveal Otabek up and alive. 

Otabek's eyes gazed over to me. He was too weak to do anything, he just stared. "Beka..." I spoke gently. I went over to the nurse, smiling nicely at the woman. "I got it from here."   

The Hurt and the Strong. [YOI Otayuri Collab]Where stories live. Discover now