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When I was younger I had an account on quotev where I would roleplay and write some stories. I thought it would be cute and serve as a little reminder to me on my progression as a writer to post the stories I found on there. This story, Trapped, I wrote it with another fellow member of quotev. I thought we did a pretty good job writing this story together. We came up with the title 'Trapped' because of the main character's struggle with her twin sister. The title is perfect for this story as you will see when you read it. This is going to be a short story because at the time when we created this story we did not give much thought to having long chapters. I will be editing the chapters as I post them but, I will not be altering the story. It will still have the same storyline. The only difference is I'm changing the looks of the main characters. I hope you guys really enjoy this story. 💕💕💕

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