It plays over and over in my head.
Who's it gonna be?
Me. It will be me. Alex seems to be processing what has just happened. I raise the knife. No going back now. No more little pranks and baby stuff. Still, it happens slow, like they say it always does. Alex's eyes widen, and as I approach, she ducks out of the way. My knife plunges into the drywall, Alex shoves by and takes off running. With a grunt of dissatisfaction, I tug the blade free and pursue my sister down the hall. I practically jump down the stairs after her and corner her in the living room. She feels around on the wall behind her, as if she would find an opening.
"It's going to be me!" I growl.
I plunge the knife into my own sister's heart and pull it out. She collapses onto the carpet, a small red puddle staining the seafoam green carpet. I watch as the light leaves her eyes.
I need to leave. I need to get far away from here.
I run up to my room and pull out a small duffel bag. I pack a few pairs of jeans, a tee shirt, some random toiletries, and zip the bag up. I throw on my boots and dash for the door. I see my dad's car in the driveway still. I'm not seriously gonna do this, am I?
I hop in and realize that I don't have the keys. Risking getting caught, I return to the house and quickly locate the keys on the counter.I check to make sure Alex is really dead. She is. I remember the bird I killed a while back. The family I left to fend for themselves.
Snap out of it! I scold myself, This family will move on. They can handle themselves.
I start up the car and begin to drive with the window down, slowly, like I actually have a license. I see Nate and Bryce skateboarding back to the house.
"What did you do?! Why do you have dad's car?" Bryce hollers while rolling in front of the car so I have to stop.
"Get out of the way or I'll run you over," I growl at him.
"Bull," he rages, "What did you do?"
"Bryce. Move."
I step on the acceleration and Bryce jumps out of the way. Apparently not in time; I feel something under the tire. In the side mirror, I see Bryce on the ground holding his foot and Nate rushing to help him. I drive out of the area as fast as legally possible and reach a small convenience store. I pick up some food, mostly canned, water bottles and proceed to the counter. There is a small TV behind the counter. a news lady dressed in a sharp teal skirt and blouse set with poofy blonde hair and ruby red lips announces a report.
"Breaking news, a tragedy in town today as the body of Alex Frishette was discovered in her home just moments ago."
They found her already?
"Another boy was injured, apparently his foot was crushed by the tire of Mr.Frishette's stolen car. The boy, Bryce Frishette, is hospitalized and will undergo minor reconstructive surgery on his left foot."
The man gives me my change and food.
  "Anya Frishette is currently wanted for murder and attempted murder/assault. If you see this girl, please report her to the local authorities. Back to you, Rob."
A picture of me shows up on the screen and I quickly make my exit. Whether or not the man noticed me or not, I wanted to get away as soon as possible. Where will I go? I know. I have to find my only friend from Buffalo State. I have to find Serena.

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