Bryce stared angrily at the door that was just slammed into his face. He knew Anya was in there, he saw her go in. Bryce paced back and forth trying to figure out what he would do.
"Think, think, think," he told himself. He reached into his pocket, he pulled out the little money that he had; $27 dollars. Bryce began walking away from the house, he'd be back. But he just had to do just one thing. He grabbed a stone, and just like he did back at his house, he tossed the stone at the window. He smiled as it shattered, and the screams that erupted from the house.
Bryce limped away from the scene, ignoring the pain he was feeling.
"Hey man are you okay?" Some random boy on a bike stopped next to Bryce.
Bryce examined him, nodding his head. "I'm fine,"
"You don't look fine," The boy pedaled the same pace Bryce walked. "You're not from around here, you don't have the look," The boy commented.
"Really?" Bryce asked annoyed.
"Did you run away from home?"
"Something like that,"
"I'm Jordan,"
"What are you doing out here so late?"
"Do you always ask so many questions?"  Bryce snapped, he walked over to a bench and took a seat. He needed to rest cause he was sure he was seconds from passing out.
"Are you in trouble?"
Bryce looked up at Jordan; he let out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair.
"What is it going to take for you to leave me alone?!" Bryce exclaimed.
Jordan looked like he was in thought.
"You can let me help,"
Bryce's eyebrows rose up, a smirk plastered on his face. His eyes glistened in triumph.
"Where can I buy a gun?"

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