I giggled to myself and sat on my bed. My creepy girl impression was excellent. I used to use it to scare away the guards at Buffalo State. Speaking of that horrid place, I need to work out how to get rid of Alex without getting caught. I'd have to do it on a weekday, since dad won't be home until six, and mom might have to go shopping or something. So all that leaves is Bryce. I can get him to shut up, though. I'll tell him he's next so he'll be too scared to talk. And, if I get an accomplice, I might be able to get him to take Bryce out of the house, avoiding that whole situation. It should be a boy. But where to find a guy just like me? I might have to look around school. If I have to talk him into it, so be it. I write down all these ideas on a piece of paper so I don't lose track of them. My door creaks open and I quickly slide the paper under my leg.
"Want some ice cream, hun? We're going to go out soon, so be ready if you're going," My mom chirps.
I figure I've got nothing to lose and pull on a black, ruffled skirt and some ripped leggings. A black cami and deep red tank top complete the outfit, as well as a pair of plain black ballet flats. I creep out of my room, but not before hiding the paper in my sock draw. We pile into the car and I'm stuck in the tiny back pull-up seat with my knees up to my chest. This car is too small for the five of us. My mom refused to get a van,  so someone is jammed in the back; usually me. I look at Alex, with her curled hair and cream skirt and white top combo. She always dresses in colors every day, and I usually go for black or red, or the occasional dark purple. We arrive at the ice cream parlor and sit down at a booth. We leave our stuff there to mark our place and go up to order. A boy is also at the corner. He has a lip piercing and a black scene haircut. He's actually kinda cute.
Mission, Anya. Focus. I remind myself. I walk over to the boy and say hello.
"Hey," he says, looking over my outfit, "You remind me of this girl from my school. I think her name's Anya or something."
"That's me," I grin, non-evilly, for the first time in a while.
"I didn't know we went to the same school. My name's Nate, by the way," he replies, leaning against the counter.
"Anya, want your ice cream or not?" Bryce hollers exceptionally loudly.
"Ugh, that's my little brother, Bryce. I'll see you around," I pause for a second, "Nate."
"See ya," he gives a little wave and walks back to his table with his friends, who all taunt him by whistling and shouting 'Yeah Nate!'
I stifle a laugh and sit down with my family.
"Oooooh, Anya's got a boyfriend!" Bryce singsongs in his loud tone of voice.
"Shut up!" I harshly whisper.
"Oh, come on, Bryce," my mom reprimands, "It's okay to have guy friends! That's how I met your father."
"Mom, seriously," Alex interrupts.
"Hey, hey Anya," Bryce pesters.
"What is it," I growl.
"Do you like him?"
  "That is none of your business, creep," I answer.
"Looks like Anya's got a crush," Alex teases.
"Enough," my dad cuts in.
We finish our ice cream and leave. I glance at Nate on the way out. He just might be my winning apprentice I've been seeking.
So it turns out that I have third-period gym with Nate.
"Nathaniel Parker," the gym teacher booms.
He goes through a list of other names and then lets us go change. Luckily, our school has a couple of changing stalls. I run to secure a spot in the bigger one. I loathe changing in front of people. First off, I'm pale as a vampire, and second off, it's just so...awkward. I leave that to the sporty girls who are used to this kind of thing. We pull through an entire class of dodgeball and then Mr. Penning gets called to the office.
"No fooling around while I'm gone," he orders. I stand in the corner and look through the tiny window in the back door. All of a sudden, I hear laughter from across the gym. A group of Jake's jock friends are pelting dodgeballs at Nate. He's blocking his face with his arms, but is still taking a lot of hits. I have to do something. I run to the group, everyone silent except for a few side conversation. The guys were calling him 'emo' and 'freak.'
"Leave him alone, will ya?" I yell, halfway there.
Jake's friends stop and stare at me.
"If it isn't little miss demolition. You know, I oughtta bill you for the repairs," Jake taunts.
"I think your family's well off enough to do that themselves, Jake," Nate remarks.
"If you like where your teeth are, I'd suggest shutting up," Jake threatens.
"Try me," Nate challenges.
"Nate, don't," I urge.
Jake hauls off and punches Nate square in the face, who responds with a series of fast blows to Jake's head and neck area. Jake's four friends get in on the fight and tackle him on the floor. At that moment, Mr. Penning walks in the gym.
"Hey!" he shouts to the kids in the dogpile on top of Nate. It takes him a few minutes to break it up and the jocks walk away with some black eyes and a few cuts. Nate, on the other hand, is completely wrecked. Blood coating his face, most likely a broken nose, and bruises everywhere. His eye is swollen and he has blood dripping from his mouth.
"Anya, would you please escort Mr. Parker to the nurse?" Mr. Penning asks me.
"Yes sir," I answer.
We walk down the hall, Nate being careful not to drip blood on the floor.
"Thanks for standing up for me out there," he says when we reach the nurse's office, "Nobody's ever done that for me."
"No problem. I gotta get to class," I state, "Feel better."
"Will do," he remarks, giving one of his signature side smiles. He looks like a zombie, no lie. I hope he's okay. These are the first warm feelings I've had in a while. The concept of a friendship is pretty foreign to me.
I think I've found my first friend.

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