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When I was 7 years old, my life had taken a dramatic turn. It was all because of my sister...my twin sister. Her name is Anya, and I am Alexander but I rather go by Alex. It all started when our dad had to stay late for work at the Nassau county police department. He was a deputy at the department, working late hours was something we were accustomed too. My mom was a stay at home mom and that days as always she was home with me, Anya, and our brother Bryce. Bryce was 4 years olds when everything went down. Mom had ran into our kitchen to take a pot roast out of the oven, leaving us three in the playroom.
Anya and I were never close, we never had that twin bond that many others had formed. Anya was very cold, and cruel. She had no emotions or guilt for anything she did. I always wondered why she was so cold towards everyone. We were kids, we were suppose to be happy, playful, and innocent.
"Want to play a game?" Anya had asked my brother and I. Usually she never wanted to play with us. Hearing her request to play was a bit strange for me and my brother....but mostly for me because I was older and understood more.
"What game?" I asked dropping the barbie doll I was holding to face my sister.
"Its called draw blood."
I had never heard of such a game, but I was curious to play with Anya, since I never had that experience. I was desperate to form a bond with my sister. I crawled over to where she was, our brother followed. Bryce did everything I did. He was more attached to me than my own twin was.
"How do you play?" I questioned looking up at her with my bright blue eyes.
She pushed her blonde hair out of her face and stood up. She walked over to her toy chest and pulled something out. Hiding the object behind her back, she made her way back over to us.
"It is very simple. I use my special tool to draw a line on your arm...whoever bleeds first wins." She informed us with a smile, but it was not a friendly smile.
"I don't want to play." Bryce said before going back to playing with his blocks. It seemed like Bryce was more aware of Anya's intention than I was. I was oblivious, blinded by my cravings of a relationship with my other half. Anya glared after him then turned to face me.
"Give me your hand." She ordered, at first I was hesitant, but I held out my hand anyway. She tugged on my arm pulling me closer to her. I stumbled a little into my knees, my hair falling in front of my face. I watched her with a small amount of fear as she brought the object from behind her back, to my view.
"Anya mom said we can't play with this!" I exclaimed pulling my arm back. Her eyes turned dark, hostile, full of anger.
"Are you going to tell on me dear sister?" She whispered, testing me. I shook my head no.
"Now give me your hand and stop being a baby!"
Anya pushed the sleeve of my shirt up, the blade of the knife touched my skin. If was very cold against my warm flesh. She added pressure to her grip. I felt the blade breaking my flesh.
"Ow! Stop!" I had cried pulling my arm back cradling my wrist. The blood pooled for the wound as did the tears from my eyes. It was a long gash, red liquid oozed out and dropped to the floor. Bryce had stopped playing to look at us. His grey eyes widened in shock at the sight of blood. Anya just sat there looking at the blood on the blade. She touched it...rubbing the blood between her index and thumb.
Bryce ran out of the room, most likely to call my mom. Anya still sat there playing with the blood. I was feeling faint and tired. I could feel my heart beating really fast in my chest.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
My vision was blurring in and out. My body crashed to the floor. That made Anya look at me, she tilted her head, looked me in the eye...then threw her head back in laughter. It wasn't like any laugh I ever heard. It had no emotion, just dark, and evil. It was not pleasant. I remember my mom running into the room screaming at Anya. Asking why she had done what she done. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was,
"I thought it was fun." Anya didn't sound like a little girl, she sounded like a demon.

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