My feet hit the dampened pavement of the sidewalk. A light drizzle tickles my cheeks and makes a soft pattering sound on the few leftover leaves on the trees. My town is small and old. The buildings are antique and some of the roads are still cobblestone. The fences lining the well-kept yards are old and mostly just for decoration. I finally reach where I'm going; the old pawn shop. The glass display cases are smashed and the shelves are tipped over, but it's still structurally sound. I heard around school that Nate and his buddies hang out there, and my hope is to get him to watch Bryce for a while. You'll soon find out. I creak open the door and five sets of eyes land on me.
"Hey Anya," Nate greets, a little confused.
"Hey Nate," I return.
"What's up?" he asks, sliding off the little table he was sitting on.
"I know we just met and all, but I need you to watch my little brother if you don't mind. It'll only be for a while."
"I guess," Nate agrees. I can see the hesitance in his face.
We stroll all the way back to my house and Alex greets me with a glare. I call Bryce down.
"What do you want?" he sneers.
"My friend here's going to look after you for a bit."
"No," he defiantly answers.
"Yes," I return in my best creepy tone of voice.
He looks at me with utter hatred and slumps over to Nate.
"Hey kid, you like skateboarding?" Nate asks.
"Do I?" Bryce's eyes light up with delight.
"I've got a great spot in town I bet you've never heard of," Nate informs him, walking out the door with him.
That was easy.
I go upstairs and get my special weapons. I grab hold of my knife and the extra poison powder I had. I add a little water to the powder and dip the blade in it. I walk over to Alex's door. She's busy chatting away with Chelsea on the phone. I aim my eyes directly at the door and take a deep breath. I know that this is the last time I'll ever see my family. If I follow through with this, I'll be put away forever.
A split decision.

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