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"Alex!" Alex turned to the voice, shutting her locker, Chelsea came sprinting down the hall, latching onto Alex's arm.
"What?" Alex asked, shifting all her weight on one leg.
"Come quick there is a fight!" Chelsea panted, dragging Alex along. The two came up to a crowd forming around three-four figures. From her position Alex could not see who was in the fight.
"Get him Jake," Someone from the crowd cheered. Alex and Chelsea pushed their way to the middle of the circle.
"That idiot," Alex muttered looking at her twin trying to pull Jake of off this boy. "Who is that?" Alex whispered to Chelsea.
"Some weird kid, no one talks to him except for the few friends he has." Chelsea filled Alex in.
I nodded my head looking back to the fight...is anyone going to stop this before anyone got hurt? Where are all the teachers? My peers were cheering the fight on, recording it on their phones and ipods.
"Jake! Cut it out!" I heard Ayden yell, he pushed through a few kids getting closer to the fight. "Move," He told Anya. She glared at him but moved out of the way stepping to the side. Ayden hauled Jake off of the boy, pulling him out of the crowd. I stalked up to Anya pulling on her shoulder so she could face me.
"Are you stupid?!" I yelled at her.
"Excuse me?" She seethed.
"You heard what I said," I said boldly.
I felt like Anya was trying to challenge me, she knew she could get in trouble if mom and dad found out she was involved in this.
"Mind your own business," She sneered taking a step towards me. I stood my ground starring at her.
"Make me," I retorted crossing my arms over my chest. A glint shown in her eyes and Anya began smirking.
"Lets go," The boy who was in the fight told Anya. He grabbed her by the hand and led her out of the hallway.
"Your sister is getting creepier and creepier everyday." Chelsea said looking in the direction she just left.
At home I headed straight up to my room, most of my teachers had given lots of homework to do. Surprisingly the only people home was, Bryce, Anya, and me. Dad was still at work and mom had some errands to run.
I pulled out my chemistry text book opening up to the assigned chapter. I leaned against my bed headboard using a pillow as comfort.
About an hour into my homework, I was getting restless and a bit hungry. I closed my notebook and climbed out of my bed. I walked into my hallway, empty and strangely quiet. Closing my door, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. What should I eat?
I opened up the pantry looking at all the possible food choice.
I guess a poptart would do for now. I grabbed the pack of s'more poptart and headed to the cupboard. I took out a glass and went to the fridge, filling it with ice tea. I took my drink and snack back up to my room, passing both my brother's and sister's room.
Just as I was getting into my bed, something crashed through my window!
I jumped up heading over to my window to see what is was.
"What happened?" Bryce asked coming into my room, his eyes widen at the rock on my bedroom floor. He picked it and chucked it outside the window.
"I'm calling mom and dad," I announced grabbing my cell phone.
"I'm going to see what Anya is doing," Bryce left my room, while I dialed mom's number.
"Mom, someone threw a rock through my window!" I explained to her when she picked up the phone. She asked if everyone was fine, I told her yes. She said she'll call dad, and that to just hold on, she'll be on her way.
"Anya's not in her room...."

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